Tag: Security 101

  • Security 101: Securing API Usage

    Securing API Usage in Angular and Node.js for Logged-In and Anonymous Users Introduction In modern web applications, securing API usage is a critical aspect of both user experience and application security. Whether your users are logged in or accessing your services anonymously, it’s essential to implement robust security practices to…

  • Security 101: Understanding and Comparing Two SSO Methods: Session-Based vs. Token-Based Authentication

    Single Sign-On (SSO) is a critical component in modern web applications, allowing users to log in once and access multiple systems without needing to re-authenticate. This blog post explores two popular SSO methods—Session-Based and Token-Based Authentication—and offers guidance on which one is generally recommended. Session-Based SSO How It Works User…

  • Security 101: Comparison of Session, JWT, Token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0

    会话、JWT、令牌、SSO 和 OAuth 2.0 的比较 Understanding the differences between various authentication mechanisms is critical for selecting the right approach for your application. Below is a comparison of Session, JWT, Token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0 across multiple dimensions. 了解各种身份验证机制之间的差异对于为您的应用程序选择合适的方法至关重要。以下是会话、JWT、令牌、SSO 和 OAuth 2.0 在多个维度上的比较。 Comparison Table 比较表格 Aspect Session-Based Authentication JWT (JSON…

  • Security 101: Understanding Various Authentication Mechanisms

    了解各种身份验证机制 Introduction 介绍 Authentication is a crucial aspect of web security, ensuring that only authorized users can access specific resources. Different authentication mechanisms serve different purposes and offer varying levels of security. This blog will explore various authentication methods, including session, cookie, JWT, token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0, by answering…