Tag: Data Types

  • Understanding Python’s Built-in Data Types: Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries Explained

    Understanding Python’s Built-in Data Types: Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries Explained

    内置类型 Python 标准类型文档 存储数据集合 Set 是 Python 中用于存储数据集合的四种内置数据类型之一,另外三种是 List(列表)、Tuple(元组)和 Dictionary(字典),每种类型都有不同的特性和用途。 A set is an unordered, unchangeable*, and unindexed collection. 集合是一个无序的、不可变的*、无索引的集合。 *Note: While set items are unchangeable, you can remove items and add new items. *注意:虽然集合项是不可变的,但你可以删除项或添加新项。 Comparison of Python Collections Here’s a comparison table showing the main differences between List, Tuple,…