Tag: Data Structures
Algorithms 101: Data Structures
Arrays Arrays are a basic data structure used to store elements in a contiguous memory location. They are used in a variety of algorithms for efficient data access and manipulation. # Example functions to demonstrate array operations # Accessing elements in an array – O(1) def access_element(arr, index): return arr[index]…
Code Interview: Data Structures for Coding Interviews
Data Structures for Coding Interviews Basic Data Structures Arrays Lists Tuples String Manipulation Strings String Methods Sets and Dictionaries Sets Dictionaries Linked Lists Singly Linked List Doubly Linked List Circular Linked List Stacks and Queues Stacks Queues Deques Trees Binary Trees Binary Search Trees AVL Trees Red-Black Trees N-ary Trees…
Beginner’s Guide to Algorithms & Data Structures
Table of Contents Introduction What are Algorithms? What are Data Structures? Importance of Algorithms and Data Structures Getting Started with Programming Basic Programming Concepts Choosing a Programming Language Writing Your First Program Fundamental Data Structures Arrays Definition and Usage Basic Operations (Access, Insert, Delete) Time and Space Complexity Linked Lists…