Tag: Chrome’s background services

  • Chrome’s background services: Notifications

    Notifications Notifications are a concept in web development that keep users informed and engaged with timely alerts, even when the browser is not active or the user is not currently on the web page. This feature is particularly useful for providing updates, reminders, or alerts that require the user’s attention,…

  • Chrome’s background services: Background Sync

    Background Sync Background Sync is a concept in web development that ensures important tasks, such as sending data to a server, are completed when a stable network connection is available. This feature allows web applications to defer actions, such as form submissions or message sending, until the device has a…

  • Chrome’s background services: Background Fetch

    Background Fetch Background Fetch is a concept in web development that supports persistent downloads even if the browser is closed or the user navigates away from the page. This feature is ideal for large files or long-running downloads, as it allows web applications to continue downloading content in the background,…

  • Chrome’s background services: Back/Forward Cache

    Back/Forward Cache (bfcache) Back/Forward Cache (bfcache) is a concept in web development that enhances user experience by providing instant navigation to previously visited pages. This feature allows web pages to be stored in memory when the user navigates away, enabling near-instantaneous loading when the user navigates back or forward using…