Tag: AI

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: Embeddings in Natural Language Processing

    AI中的嵌入技术 In the field of natural language processing (NLP), embeddings are a crucial technique used to convert textual data into dense, continuous vectors that capture semantic information about words, phrases, or even entire sentences. These embeddings are used as input to machine learning models, enabling them to understand and process…

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: RNN and NLP

    RNN和自然语言处理 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been a foundational architecture in the field of natural language processing (NLP) for many years. They are particularly well-suited for tasks that involve sequential data, where the order of elements (such as words in a sentence) is critical. RNNs can maintain a hidden state…

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: Tokenizer and One-Hot

    AI中的分词器与One-Hot编码 In natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, preparing textual data for model training involves converting text into numerical representations that can be processed by algorithms. Two fundamental techniques used for this are tokenization and one-hot encoding. Understanding how these methods work and when to use them is essential…

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: Practical Example of Fine-Tuning to Reduce Legal Document Generation Hallucination

    实际案例:通过微调减少法律文件生成中的幻觉 Legal document generation is a critical task that requires a high level of accuracy and reliability, especially when dealing with legal precedents, statutes, and contracts. AI models that generate legal documents must avoid hallucinations—instances where the model creates incorrect or fabricated information, such as inventing legal precedents or misquoting…

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: Overfitting in AI Fine-Tuning

    人工智能微调中的过拟合 Overfitting in AI fine-tuning occurs when a model becomes too closely aligned with the specific details of the fine-tuning dataset, to the point that it performs exceptionally well on that data but poorly on new, unseen data. In fine-tuning, the model adjusts its parameters based on the smaller, task-specific…

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: How Can Fine-Tuning Reduce AI Hallucination

    减少人工智能幻觉 Fine-tuning can play a critical role in reducing AI hallucinations by adapting a pre-trained model more closely to a specific task or domain. Hallucinations in AI, where the model generates incorrect or fabricated information, often occur due to the model’s reliance on generalized patterns learned from a broad and…

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: AI Fine-Tuning

    人工智能微调 AI fine-tuning is a process in machine learning where a pre-trained model, such as a neural network or a large language model, is further trained on a smaller, task-specific dataset. This allows the model to adapt to specific tasks or domains without needing to be trained from scratch. Fine-tuning…

  • Artificial Intelligence 101: AI Hallucination

    人工智能幻觉 AI hallucination refers to the phenomenon where an artificial intelligence system, particularly those based on generative models or large language models like GPT, produces outputs that are incorrect, nonsensical, or entirely fabricated, despite appearing coherent and plausible. This can happen when the AI makes up facts, invents details, or…