JavaScript 101: Event Loop

The Mechanism that Handles Asynchronous Operations in JavaScript

事件循环 (Event Loop): 处理 JavaScript 中异步操作的机制

The event loop is a fundamental concept in JavaScript, particularly in the context of asynchronous programming. It is the mechanism that allows JavaScript to handle non-blocking, asynchronous operations, such as I/O tasks, timers, and network requests, while maintaining a single-threaded execution model. Understanding the event loop is crucial for writing efficient and responsive JavaScript applications.

事件循环是 JavaScript 中的一个基本概念,特别是在异步编程的背景下。它是一种机制,允许 JavaScript 处理非阻塞的异步操作,例如 I/O 任务、定时器和网络请求,同时保持单线程的执行模型。理解事件循环对于编写高效且响应迅速的 JavaScript 应用程序至关重要。

1. What is the Event Loop?


Core Concept


JavaScript is a single-threaded language, meaning it has only one call stack and can execute one task at a time. However, many operations in JavaScript, such as fetching data from a server, can take time to complete. The event loop enables JavaScript to perform these time-consuming operations asynchronously without blocking the main thread.

JavaScript 是一种单线程语言,意味着它只有一个调用栈,一次只能执行一个任务。然而,JavaScript 中的许多操作(如从服务器获取数据)可能需要时间来完成。事件循环使 JavaScript 能够异步执行这些耗时的操作,而不会阻塞主线程。

How It Works


  1. Call Stack: This is where the code currently being executed is stored. The call stack is LIFO (Last In, First Out), meaning the last function pushed onto the stack is the first one to be executed.

  2. Web APIs: When an asynchronous operation is called, such as setTimeout or an AJAX request, it is passed off to a Web API, which handles the operation independently of the main thread.

  3. Callback Queue: Once the Web API completes its task (e.g., the timer expires or the data is fetched), it places the callback function into the callback queue.

  4. Event Loop: The event loop continuously checks the call stack and the callback queue. If the call stack is empty, the event loop pushes the first callback from the queue onto the call stack to be executed.

  5. 调用栈 (Call Stack):这是存储当前正在执行的代码的地方。调用栈是 LIFO(后进先出)的,这意味着最后被推入栈的函数是第一个被执行的。

  6. Web APIs:当调用一个异步操作时,例如 setTimeout 或 AJAX 请求,它会被传递给一个 Web API,独立于主线程处理操作。

  7. 回调队列 (Callback Queue):一旦 Web API 完成其任务(例如,计时器到期或数据获取完成),它会将回调函数放入回调队列中。

  8. 事件循环 (Event Loop):事件循环不断检查调用栈和回调队列。如果调用栈为空,事件循环会将队列中的第一个回调推入调用栈中执行。

2. Understanding the Event Loop with Examples


Example 1: Simple setTimeout Example

示例 1:简单的 setTimeout 示例


setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);





  • When setTimeout is called, the callback is sent to the Web API, and console.log("End") is executed immediately after.
  • Once the main thread is free (i.e., the call stack is empty), the event loop picks up the callback from the setTimeout and executes it.


  • 当调用 setTimeout 时,回调被发送到 Web API,随后立即执行 console.log("End")
  • 一旦主线程空闲(即调用栈为空),事件循环从 setTimeout 中获取回调并执行它。

Example 2: Understanding Event Loop Priority with Promises

示例 2:通过 Promise 理解事件循环优先级


setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);

Promise.resolve().then(() => {





  • Promises have higher priority than setTimeout in the event loop. When a promise is resolved, its .then callback is placed in the microtask queue, which is checked before the callback queue.
  • Therefore, Promise is logged before Timeout.


  • Promise 在事件循环中优先级高于 setTimeout。当 Promise 被解析时,其 .then 回调被放入微任务队列中,该队列优先于回调队列进行检查。
  • 因此,PromiseTimeout 之前被打印。

3. Event Loop in Browser vs. Node.js

浏览器和 Node.js 中的事件循环

While the event loop concept remains consistent across JavaScript environments, there are some differences between how it operates in the browser and in Node.js.

虽然事件循环的概念在 JavaScript 环境中保持一致,但在浏览器和 Node.js 中的操作方式有所不同。

Browser Environment


In the browser, the event loop handles user interactions (like clicks and scrolls), rendering updates, and API callbacks. The browser’s event loop has different task queues (such as the callback queue and microtask queue) to manage various tasks.

在浏览器中,事件循环处理用户交互(如点击和滚动)、渲染更新以及 API 回调。浏览器的事件循环有不同的任务队列(如回调队列和微任务队列)来管理各种任务。

Node.js Environment

Node.js 环境

In Node.js, the event loop is more complex due to additional phases like timers, I/O callbacks, idle, and prepare phases, and more. Node.js uses libuv to implement the event loop, which handles asynchronous I/O operations efficiently.

在 Node.js 中,由于存在额外的阶段(如定时器、I/O 回调、空闲和准备阶段等),事件循环更加复杂。Node.js 使用 libuv 实现事件循环,能够高效处理异步 I/O 操作。

Example: Node.js Event Loop Phases

示例:Node.js 事件循环阶段

setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);

setImmediate(() => {


(timeout or immediate can come first, depending on the environment)


  • In Node.js, setTimeout and setImmediate may be executed in different orders depending on the event loop phase they fall into.


  • 在 Node.js 中,setTimeoutsetImmediate 可能根据它们所处的事件循环阶段以不同的顺序执行。

4. Importance of the Event Loop in JavaScript

事件循环在 JavaScript 中的重要性

Non-Blocking I/O

非阻塞 I/O

The event loop allows JavaScript to perform non-blocking I/O operations, which is crucial for building scalable, high-performance applications. It enables tasks like file reading, network requests, and database queries to run in the background without blocking the main thread.

事件循环允许 JavaScript 执行非阻塞 I/O 操作,这对于构建可扩展的高性能应用程序至关重要。它使得文件读取、网络请求和数据库查询等任务可以在后台运行而不阻塞主线程。

Responsive User Interfaces


In the browser, the event loop ensures that user interactions and rendering updates are handled smoothly. By processing asynchronous tasks without blocking the main thread, the event loop helps maintain a responsive and fluid user experience.


Concurrency Management


While JavaScript is single-threaded, the event loop provides a way to manage concurrency. By offloading long-running tasks to Web APIs or background threads (in Node.js), the event loop allows JavaScript to handle multiple tasks concurrently without race conditions.

虽然 JavaScript 是单线程的,但事件循环提供了一种管理并发的方法。通过将长时间运行的任务卸载到 Web API 或后台线程(在 Node.js 中),事件循环允许 JavaScript 并发处理多个任务而不会出现竞争条件。

5. Conclusion


The event loop is a cornerstone of JavaScript’s ability to handle asynchronous operations efficiently. It allows JavaScript to remain single-threaded while still performing complex tasks like I/O operations, user interactions, and rendering updates without blocking the main thread. Understanding the event loop is essential for writing performant, responsive, and scalable JavaScript


事件循环是 JavaScript 高效处理异步操作的基石。它允许 JavaScript 保持单线程,同时执行诸如 I/O 操作、用户交互和渲染更新等复杂任务,而不会阻塞主线程。理解事件循环对于编写高性能、响应迅速且可扩展的 JavaScript 应用程序至关重要。


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