Git 101

7-Day Git Learning Plan 7天学Git

Below is a 7-day Git learning plan designed to help you quickly master the basics and some advanced concepts of Git. This plan assumes you can dedicate about 4 hours a day to learning and practice.

Day 1: Git Basics 第1天:Git基础

Day 2: Git Repository Management 第2天:Git仓库管理

  • Learning Objectives:

    • Master basic Git repository management operations
  • 学习目标:

    • 掌握Git仓库的基本管理操作
  • Learning Content:

  • 学习内容:

  • Practice:

    • Clone a remote repository and view its history
    • Practice undoing operations and reverting to previous commits
  • 实践:

    • 克隆一个远程仓库并查看历史记录
    • 练习取消操作,恢复到之前的提交

Day 3: Branch Management 第3天:分支管理

Day 4: Collaborative Development 第4天:协作开发

Day 5: Advanced Git Features 第5天:Git高级功能

Day 6: Git Workflow and Best Practices 第6天:Git工作流与最佳实践

  • Learning Objectives:

    • Understand common Git workflows and best practices
  • 学习目标:

    • 了解常见的Git工作流和最佳实践
  • Learning Content:

  • 学习内容:

  • Practice:

    • Apply a chosen workflow to a project
    • Write clear and concise commit messages
    • Conduct a code review with your team
  • 实践:

    • 在项目中应用选定的工作流
    • 编写清晰简洁的提交信息
    • 与团队一起进行代码审查

Day 7: GitHub and Open Source Contribution 第7天:GitHub与开源贡献