Chrome’s background services: Reporting API

Reporting API

The Reporting API is a concept in web development that helps monitor and improve security and performance through real-time reporting. This feature allows web applications to send detailed reports to a specified endpoint about various issues that occur during the browsing experience, such as security policy violations, network errors, and deprecations. By collecting and analyzing this data, developers can identify and address problems more effectively, leading to a more secure and performant web application.


Here’s how the Reporting API works in theory:


  1. Report Collection: The web application is configured to collect reports on specific issues, such as Content Security Policy (CSP) violations, feature deprecations, or network errors. These reports are automatically generated by the browser when the specified issues occur.

    报告收集: Web应用程序被配置为收集有关特定问题的报告,例如内容安全策略(CSP)违规、功能弃用或网络错误。当发生指定问题时,浏览器会自动生成这些报告。

  2. Report Delivery: The reports are sent to a specified endpoint, known as a report collector, which is typically a server controlled by the developer or organization. This allows for centralized monitoring and analysis.

    报告传递: 报告被发送到一个指定的端点,称为报告收集器,通常是由开发人员或组织控制的服务器。这允许集中监控和分析。

  3. Analysis and Action: Developers can analyze the collected reports to identify security vulnerabilities, performance bottlenecks, or deprecated features that need attention. This information can be used to make informed decisions about improving the web application.

    分析与行动: 开发人员可以分析收集到的报告,以识别需要注意的安全漏洞、性能瓶颈或弃用功能。此信息可用于做出有关改进Web应用程序的明智决策。

  4. Continuous Improvement: By continuously monitoring and receiving real-time reports, developers can iteratively improve the security and performance of the web application, ensuring it remains robust and efficient.

    持续改进: 通过持续监控和接收实时报告,开发人员可以迭代地提高Web应用程序的安全性和性能,确保其保持稳健和高效。

Here’s an example scenario of how the Reporting API might be implemented:


1. A developer configures the web application to send Content Security Policy (CSP) violation reports to a specified endpoint.
2. During a user's session, the browser detects a CSP violation, such as the loading of an unauthorized script.
3. The browser automatically generates a report detailing the violation and sends it to the developer's server.
4. The developer reviews the report, identifies the source of the violation, and updates the security policy to prevent future occurrences.
  1. 开发人员配置Web应用程序将内容安全策略(CSP)违规报告发送到指定的端点。
  2. 在用户会话期间,浏览器检测到CSP违规行为,例如加载未经授权的脚本。
  3. 浏览器自动生成详细描述违规行为的报告,并将其发送到开发人员的服务器。
  4. 开发人员审查报告,确定违规的来源,并更新安全策略以防止将来发生类似事件。

The comparison of the Reporting API with other monitoring methods is shown in the table below:


Monitoring Method Description in English Description in Chinese
Reporting API Provides real-time reports on security, performance, and other issues 提供关于安全性、性能和其他问题的实时报告
Logging Records events and errors in a log file or database 将事件和错误记录在日志文件或数据库中
Analytics Tools Collects data on user behavior and performance metrics 收集有关用户行为和性能指标的数据
Error Monitoring Services Tracks and reports errors and exceptions in real time 实时跟踪和报告错误和异常

The Reporting API is very useful for maintaining a high level of security and performance in web applications by providing developers with the insights needed to proactively address potential issues.



1. What is the Reporting API, and how does it benefit web applications?


The Reporting API allows web applications to send real-time reports on issues such as security policy violations, network errors, and deprecated features, helping developers monitor and improve the security and performance of their applications.


2. How does the Reporting API differ from traditional logging?


The Reporting API provides real-time, structured reports specifically focused on security, performance, and deprecations, while traditional logging typically records a broader range of events and errors in log files or databases.


3. In what scenarios would you use the Reporting API?


The Reporting API is ideal for scenarios where you need to monitor and respond to security policy violations, track the usage of deprecated features, or analyze network performance issues in real-time.


4. How can developers configure a web application to use the Reporting API?


Developers can configure the Reporting API by specifying reporting endpoints in the web application’s headers, such as Content Security Policy (CSP) headers, and defining which types of reports should be sent.


5. What are the limitations of the Reporting API?


The Reporting API may not be supported in all browsers, and the volume of reports could be overwhelming if not properly filtered. Additionally, it requires careful configuration to ensure that sensitive information is not unintentionally exposed in reports.


Recommended Resources:

  1. MDN Web Docs: Reporting API
  2. Google Developers: Reporting API


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