Chrome’s background services: Periodic Background Sync

Periodic Background Sync

Periodic Background Sync is a concept in web development that ensures data stays up-to-date by syncing periodically in the background, even when the web application is not actively being used. This feature is part of the Service Worker API and allows web applications to perform periodic background tasks, such as refreshing content, syncing data, or updating information, without requiring the user to open the app.


Here’s how Periodic Background Sync works in theory:


  1. Registration of Sync Tasks: The web application registers specific tasks with the Service Worker, specifying how often these tasks should be executed, such as every hour or once a day.

    同步任务的注册: Web应用程序使用服务工作者注册特定任务,指定这些任务应执行的频率,例如每小时或每天一次。

  2. Background Execution: The Service Worker runs these tasks in the background at the specified intervals, even if the user is not actively using the web application.

    后台执行: 服务工作者在指定的时间间隔内在后台运行这些任务,即使用户未积极使用Web应用程序。

  3. Data Syncing and Updates: The tasks can include actions like fetching new data from a server, syncing user data, or refreshing cached content, ensuring that the app stays up-to-date.

    数据同步和更新: 这些任务可以包括从服务器获取新数据、同步用户数据或刷新缓存内容等操作,以确保应用程序保持最新状态。

  4. User Benefits: When the user returns to the app, they find the data already up-to-date, reducing load times and improving the overall user experience.

    用户收益: 当用户返回应用程序时,他们会发现数据已经是最新的,减少了加载时间并改善了整体用户体验。

Here’s an example scenario of how Periodic Background Sync might be implemented:


1. A news application registers a periodic sync task to fetch the latest news every hour.
2. The Service Worker runs the sync task in the background, fetching the latest news articles.
3. Even if the user hasn’t opened the app for a few hours, the latest news is ready when they do.
  1. 一个新闻应用程序注册一个每小时获取最新新闻的周期性同步任务。
  2. 服务工作者在后台运行同步任务,获取最新的新闻文章。
  3. 即使用户几小时内没有打开应用程序,最新的新闻在他们打开时已经准备就绪。

The comparison of Periodic Background Sync with other sync methods is shown in the table below:


Sync Method Description in English Description in Chinese
Periodic Background Sync Syncs data periodically in the background 定期在后台同步数据
Background Sync Defers tasks until a stable connection is available 推迟任务直到可用的稳定连接
Real-Time Sync Requires a continuous, active connection for synchronization 需要持续的活动连接来进行同步
Manual Sync Requires user interaction to trigger data synchronization 需要用户交互来触发数据同步

Periodic Background Sync is very useful for keeping web applications up-to-date, improving performance by reducing the need for data fetching when the user actively uses the app, and enhancing the user experience by ensuring data is always current.



1. What is Periodic Background Sync, and how does it benefit web applications?


Periodic Background Sync allows web applications to sync data periodically in the background, ensuring that the app stays up-to-date even when not actively used, improving performance and user experience.


2. How does Periodic Background Sync differ from regular Background Sync?


Periodic Background Sync allows for scheduled, recurring sync tasks at specified intervals, while regular Background Sync is typically used for one-time tasks triggered by specific events or conditions.


3. In what scenarios would you use Periodic Background Sync?


Periodic Background Sync is ideal for scenarios where data needs to be regularly updated, such as refreshing news feeds, syncing user data, or updating cached content in web applications.


4. How can a web application register a task for Periodic Background Sync?

navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(swRegistration) {
  return swRegistration.periodicSync.register({
    tag: 'latest-news',    // Identifier for the sync
    minInterval: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // Minimum time between syncs in milliseconds (e.g., 24 hours)
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(swRegistration) {
  return swRegistration.periodicSync.register({
    tag: 'latest-news',    // 同步的标识符
    minInterval: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 同步之间的最短时间间隔,以毫秒为单位(例如,24小时)

5. What are the limitations of Periodic Background Sync?


Periodic Background Sync relies on Service Workers and may not be supported in all browsers. Additionally, it is subject to battery and network constraints, meaning syncs may be delayed or skipped if conditions are not optimal.


Recommended Resources:

  1. MDN Web Docs: Periodic Background Sync
  2. Google Developers: Periodic Background Sync


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