• LeetCode: 232 Implement Queue using Stacks

    LeetCode: 232 Implement Queue using Stacks Implement a first in first out (FIFO) queue using only two stacks. The implemented queue should support all the functions of a normal queue (push, pop, peek, empty). push(x) — Pushes element x to the back of the queue. pop() — Removes the element…

  • LeetCode: 155 Min Stack

    LeetCode: 155 Min Stack Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time. push(x) — Pushes element x onto the stack. pop() — Removes the element on the top of the stack. top() — Gets the top element. getMin() — Retrieves the minimum…

  • Algorithms 101: How Python Implements a Queue Behind the Scenes

    How Python Implements a Queue Behind the Scenes In Python, a queue is not a built-in data structure with a dedicated implementation like in some other programming languages. Instead, Python offers several ways to implement a queue, with the most common being through the collections.deque (double-ended queue) class and the…

  • Algorithms 101: How Python Implements a Stack Behind the Scenes

    How Python Implements a Stack Behind the Scenes In Python, a stack is not a built-in data structure with a specific implementation. Instead, Python leverages lists, which are highly optimized, to function as stacks. The list data structure in Python provides all the necessary operations needed to implement a stack…

  • Docker 101: Understand Dockerfile and Docker Compose

    Understand Dockerfile, Docker Compose "Docker Compose in 12 Minutes" A quick overview of Docker Compose, covering how to use it to run multi-container applications. Watch it here: Docker Compose in 12 Minutes "Docker Compose and Multi-Container Applications!" An in-depth look at managing multi-container applications with Docker Compose. Watch it here:…

  • Docker 101: `–restart` Option in Docker

    Detailed Explanation of the –restart Option in Docker The –restart option in Docker allows you to specify a policy that determines whether and under what circumstances a Docker container should be restarted. This option is particularly useful for ensuring the resilience and reliability of services running in containers, as it…

  • Docker 101: How to Monitor and Auto-Restart Docker Containers

    How to Monitor and Auto-Restart Docker Containers To create a process that monitors your running Docker containers and automatically restarts them if they stop, you can use one of the following methods: Method 1: Docker’s Built-In Restart Policies English: Docker has built-in restart policies that you can use to automatically…

  • Python 101: Comparison: any([]) vs all([])

    Comparison: any([]) vs all([]) Introduction English: The functions any([]) and all([]) might seem similar but have different behaviors when applied to an empty list ([]). Understanding the difference is crucial for using them correctly in your code. Chinese: any([]) 和 all([]) 函数看起来相似,但在应用于空列表 ([]) 时,它们的行为是不同的。理解它们之间的差异对于正确使用它们至关重要。 Detailed Explanation What is any([])? English:…

  • Algorithms 101: How to implement a queue by using two stacks

    用栈实现队列 In this problem, we are required to implement a queue using two stacks. The queue should support all four standard operations: push, pop, peek, and empty. 在这个问题中,我们需要使用两个栈来实现一个队列。该队列应支持所有四种标准操作:push、pop、peek 和 empty。 Approach The key idea to implement a queue using two stacks is to use one stack (stack1) to handle incoming…

  • Algorithms 101: How to implement a stack by using two queues

    用队列实现栈 In this problem, we are required to implement a stack using two queues. The stack should support all four standard operations: push, top, pop, and empty. 在这个问题中,我们需要使用两个队列来实现一个栈。该栈应支持所有四种标准操作:push、top、pop 和 empty。 Approach The main idea behind using two queues to implement a stack is to simulate the Last In First Out…