Author: admin

  • Python 101: Json to object

    Method: json.loads() 正确方法:json.loads() Explanation: 解释: In Python, the json module is used to work with JSON data. 在 Python 中,json 模块用于处理 JSON 数据。 To convert a JSON string into a corresponding Python object, you should use the json.loads() method. 要将 JSON 字符串转换为相应的 Python 对象,您应该使用 json.loads() 方法。 Here’s a breakdown of…

  • RAG: Summary of Mastering Retrieval-Augmented Generation

    Summary of Mastering Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Understand Language Models and Embeddings: Master the basics of large language models (LLMs) like BERT and GPT. Learn about embeddings as vector representations of text. Explore Vector Databases and Similarity Search: Study how vector databases store and index embeddings. Familiarize yourself with algorithms like…

  • Python 101: bool Result of the Python Code

    Result of the Python Code: bool([]) == bool(None) The result of this expression is True. Explanation: Understanding bool([]): In Python, the bool() function is used to convert a value to a boolean (True or False). An empty list [] is considered a "falsy" value, meaning when converted to a boolean,…

  • Chrome’s background services: Reporting API

    Reporting API The Reporting API is a concept in web development that helps monitor and improve security and performance through real-time reporting. This feature allows web applications to send detailed reports to a specified endpoint about various issues that occur during the browsing experience, such as security policy violations, network…

  • Chrome’s background services: Push Messaging

    Push Messaging Push Messaging is a concept in web development that delivers real-time notifications to users, keeping them updated even when the web application is not open. This feature is particularly useful for sending timely alerts, updates, or reminders directly to a user’s device, ensuring they stay informed about important…

  • Chrome’s background services: Speculative Loads

    Speculative Loads Speculative Loads is a concept in web development that improves performance by preloading resources based on predicted user actions. This feature allows web browsers and applications to anticipate what the user might do next—such as clicking a link or opening a specific section—and preloads the necessary resources (like…

  • Chrome’s background services: Periodic Background Sync

    Periodic Background Sync Periodic Background Sync is a concept in web development that ensures data stays up-to-date by syncing periodically in the background, even when the web application is not actively being used. This feature is part of the Service Worker API and allows web applications to perform periodic background…

  • Chrome’s background services: Payment Handler

    Payment Handler Payment Handler is a concept in web development that enables secure and seamless online transactions by integrating multiple payment methods directly into web applications. This feature is part of the Payment Request API and allows web developers to create custom payment interfaces that can handle various payment methods,…

  • Chrome’s background services: Notifications

    Notifications Notifications are a concept in web development that keep users informed and engaged with timely alerts, even when the browser is not active or the user is not currently on the web page. This feature is particularly useful for providing updates, reminders, or alerts that require the user’s attention,…

  • Chrome’s background services: Bounce Tracking Mitigations

    Bounce Tracking Mitigations Bounce Tracking Mitigations are a set of techniques and strategies in web development designed to protect user privacy by preventing bounce tracking across sites. Bounce tracking occurs when a user is redirected through intermediate sites (often without their knowledge) before reaching their intended destination. These intermediate sites…