Algorithms 101: Why Should You Use a Dummy Node


English: Using a dummy node is a common technique in linked list problems. It involves creating an extra node that is placed before the head of the linked list.

Chinese: 使用哑节点是链表问题中常见的技巧。它涉及在链表头节点之前创建一个额外的节点。

English: This dummy node doesn’t hold any useful data for the problem but serves as a useful placeholder or sentinel.

Chinese: 这个哑节点不包含对问题有用的数据,但它作为一个有用的占位符或哨兵节点。

1. Simplifying Edge Cases

1. 简化边界情况

English: One of the primary reasons to use a dummy node is to simplify edge cases, particularly when the node to be removed is the head of the list.

Chinese: 使用哑节点的主要原因之一是简化边界情况,尤其是当要删除的节点是链表的头节点时。

Without a Dummy Node


English: If the node to be removed is the head, you have to handle this as a special case.

Chinese: 如果要删除的节点是头节点,你必须将其作为一个特殊情况来处理。

English: After finding the node that needs to be removed, you’d have to update the head pointer to point to the second node.

Chinese: 在找到需要删除的节点后,你必须更新头指针以指向第二个节点。

English: Example: In the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], if we need to remove the 5th node from the end (which is the head), we’d need to reassign the head to

Chinese: 例如:在链表 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 中,如果我们需要删除倒数第 5 个节点(即头节点),我们需要将头节点重新指向

With a Dummy Node


English: The dummy node points to the head of the list. Even if the head itself is removed, the dummy node still points to the list, so there’s no need for special handling.

Chinese: 哑节点指向链表的头节点。即使头节点本身被删除,哑节点仍然指向链表,因此不需要特殊处理。

English: Example: The dummy node makes it so that the removal of the head is treated the same as the removal of any other node.

Chinese: 例如:哑节点使得删除头节点与删除其他任何节点的处理方式相同。

2. Uniform Handling of All Nodes

2. 统一处理所有节点

English: By introducing a dummy node, the code can uniformly handle the removal of any node, including the head node, middle nodes, or even when there’s only one node in the list.

Chinese: 通过引入哑节点,代码可以统一处理任何节点的删除,包括头节点、中间节点,甚至当链表中只有一个节点时。

English: The dummy node allows you to always remove the nth node by simply modifying the next pointer of the node preceding the node to be removed, without needing to check if it’s the head.

Chinese: 哑节点允许你始终通过简单地修改要删除节点前一个节点的 next 指针来删除倒数第 n 个节点,而无需检查它是否是头节点。

English: This makes the implementation cleaner and reduces the risk of bugs related to special cases.

Chinese: 这使得实现更简洁,并降低了与特殊情况相关的错误风险。

3. Avoiding Null Checks

3. 避免空指针检查

English: The dummy node helps avoid additional null checks that might be required if you were directly manipulating the head of the list.

Chinese: 哑节点有助于避免在直接操作链表头节点时可能需要的额外空指针检查。

English: When using a dummy node, you don’t have to worry about the case where the list might be empty or the head is None.

Chinese: 使用哑节点时,你不必担心链表可能为空或头节点为 None 的情况。

English: The dummy node’s next pointer will always point to the head (or None if the list is empty), simplifying code logic.

Chinese: 哑节点的 next 指针将始终指向头节点(如果链表为空则指向 None),简化了代码逻辑。

4. Easier Implementation of Two-Pointer Technique

4. 更容易实现双指针技术

English: In problems where you need to find and remove a node based on its position from the end of the list, the two-pointer technique is often used. The dummy node simplifies this technique.

Chinese: 在需要根据链表末尾的位置查找并删除节点的问题中,通常使用双指针技术。哑节点简化了这一技术。

English: With a dummy node, both the fast and slow pointers start at the same position, and the dummy node’s presence ensures that the slow pointer can easily identify the node preceding the one to be removed, even if it’s the head.

Chinese: 使用哑节点时,fastslow 指针都从相同的位置开始,并且哑节点的存在确保 slow 指针可以轻松识别要删除节点前的节点,即使它是头节点。

Example of the Problem Without and With a Dummy Node


Without Dummy Node


class Solution:
    def removeNthFromEnd(self, head: ListNode, n: int) -> ListNode:
        fast = slow = head
        for _ in range(n):
            fast =

        # Special case: remove the head
        if not fast:

            fast =
            slow = =
        return head
  • Complications:

    • Special handling is required to remove the head node.
    • The code has to explicitly check if fast is None after moving it n steps ahead to determine if the head needs to be removed.
  • 复杂情况:

    • 需要特殊处理来删除头节点。
    • 代码必须明确检查 fast 在向前移动 n 步后是否为 None,以确定是否需要删除头节点。

With Dummy Node


class Solution:
    def removeNthFromEnd(self, head: ListNode, n: int) -> ListNode:
        dummy = ListNode(0) = head
        fast = slow = dummy

        # Move fast pointer n+1 steps ahead
        for _ in range(n + 1):
            fast =

        # Move both pointers until fast reaches the end
        while fast:
            fast =
            slow =

        # Remove the nth node =

  • Advantages:

    • No special handling is needed for the head node. Removing the head is handled just like removing any other node.
    • The logic is simpler and more straightforward, reducing the potential for errors.
  • 优点:

    • 不需要对头节点进行特殊处理。删除头节点的处理方式与删除其他任何节点相同。
    • 逻辑更简单直接,减少了出错的可能性。



English: Using a dummy node in linked list problems, especially when deleting nodes, makes the implementation more straightforward and robust.

Chinese: 在链表问题中使用哑节点,特别是在删除节点时,使实现更加简洁和稳健。

English: It simplifies edge cases, provides a uniform approach to node removal, reduces the need for null checks, and makes the code cleaner and easier to understand.

Chinese: 它简化了边界情况,为节点删除提供了统一的方法,减少了对空指针检查的需求,使代码更简洁易懂。


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