Algorithms 101: Using Bitwise AND to Check the Least Significant Bit

The bitwise AND operation is a fundamental tool in low-level programming, and it’s particularly useful when working with binary data. One common use case is to check whether a number is even or odd by examining its least significant bit (LSB). This technique is efficient and commonly used in performance-critical code.


What is Bitwise AND?


The bitwise AND operation takes two binary numbers and performs the AND operation on each corresponding bit. The result is 1 if both bits are 1, otherwise, it is 0.

按位与操作对两个二进制数进行操作,并对每个对应的位执行与操作。如果两个位都是 1,结果为 1,否则为 0


Here is an example of a bitwise AND operation between two binary numbers:


  5 (binary 0101)
& 3 (binary 0011)
  1 (binary 0001)

In this case, the result is 1 because only the last bit of both numbers is 1.

在这种情况下,结果为 1,因为只有两个数字的最后一位是 1

Checking if a Number is Odd or Even Using Bitwise AND

Problem Description

Given an integer n, determine if it is odd or even by checking its least significant bit (LSB).

给定一个整数 n,通过检查其最低有效位(LSB)来确定它是奇数还是偶数。

Steps to Solve

  1. Understand the Problem:

    • The least significant bit (LSB) of an integer determines whether it is odd or even.
    • If the LSB is 1, the number is odd; if it is 0, the number is even.
  2. Choose Data Structures:

    • Since we’re working with a single integer and using bitwise operations, no complex data structures are required.
  3. Algorithm:

    • Use the bitwise AND operation n & 1 to check the LSB.
    • If n & 1 equals 1, then n is odd.
    • If n & 1 equals 0, then n is even.
  4. Edge Cases:

    • Consider edge cases like 0, negative numbers, and very large integers.

Example Code

def is_odd(n):
    return n & 1 == 1

def is_even(n):
    return n & 1 == 0

Code Explanation

  1. Step 1: Understand the Problem

    • The least significant bit (LSB) determines the parity (odd or even) of the number.
    • 最低有效位(LSB)决定了数字的奇偶性。
  2. Step 2: Process the Input

    • Perform the bitwise AND operation n & 1.
    • 执行按位与操作 n & 1
  3. Step 3: Evaluate the Result

    • If the result is 1, the number is odd.
    • If the result is 0, the number is even.
    • 如果结果是 1,则数字为奇数。
    • 如果结果是 0,则数字为偶数。

Example Usage

# 示例用法:
print(is_odd(5))  # 输出: True
print(is_even(5)) # 输出: False

print(is_odd(4))  # 输出: False
print(is_even(4)) # 输出: True

print(is_odd(0))  # 输出: False
print(is_even(0)) # 输出: True

Why Bitwise AND is Efficient

Time Complexity

  • O(1): Bitwise operations are performed in constant time, making this method extremely efficient.

Space Complexity

  • O(1): No additional space is required other than a few variables.

Practical Applications

  • Parity Check: Quickly determine if a number is odd or even in performance-critical code.

  • Optimization: Often used in low-level programming, embedded systems, and algorithms where performance is key.

  • 奇偶检查: 在性能关键的代码中快速确定数字是奇数还是偶数。

  • 优化: 通常用于低级编程、嵌入式系统和性能至关重要的算法中。


Using the bitwise AND operation n & 1 to check the least significant bit is a quick and efficient way to determine if a number is odd or even. This method is not only fast due to its O(1) time complexity but also requires no additional memory. It is widely used in performance-sensitive applications, making it a valuable tool in your algorithmic toolkit.

使用按位与操作 n & 1 来检查最低有效位,是一种快速且高效的方法来确定数字是奇数还是偶数。由于其 O(1) 时间复杂度,这种方法不仅速度快,而且不需要额外的内存。在性能敏感的应用中被广泛使用,使其成为你算法工具包中的一个有价值的工具。

Understanding and leveraging bitwise operations like AND can give you a significant edge in writing optimized and efficient code, especially in scenarios where performance is critical.



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