LeetCode: 1071 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings

For two strings s1 and s2, we say "s1 divides s2" if and only if s2 is formed by concatenating one or more copies of s1. Given two strings str1 and str2, return the largest string x such that x divides both str1 and str2.


Input: str1 = "ABCABC", str2 = "ABC"
Output: "ABC"
Input: str1 = "ABABAB", str2 = "ABAB"
Output: "AB"
Input: str1 = "LEET", str2 = "CODE"
Output: ""


对于两个字符串 s1s2,当且仅当 s2 由一个或多个 s1 连接而成时,我们说 "s1 可以整除 s2"。给定两个字符串 str1str2,返回可以整除 str1str2 的最大字符串 x

解决方案 1


Approach 1 / 方法 1

如果 str1str2 有一个非空的公共前缀,它就是它们重复字符串的最大公约数。我们可以通过检查两个字符串是否可以通过该公共前缀整除来验证这一点。

Detailed Steps / 详细步骤

Initialization / 初始化:

  1. Check if the concatenation of str1 + str2 equals str2 + str1. If not, there is no common divisor.
    检查 str1 + str2 是否等于 str2 + str1。如果不等,则没有公共除数。

Step 1 / 第一步:

  1. Compute the GCD of the lengths of str1 and str2.
    计算 str1str2 长度的最大公约数。

Step 2 / 第二步:

  1. Return the substring of str1 from index 0 to the GCD of the lengths.
    返回 str1 从索引 0 到长度最大公约数的子字符串。

Implementation / 实现


from math import gcd

class Solution:
    def gcdOfStrings(self, str1: str, str2: str) -> str:
        if str1 + str2 != str2 + str1:
            return ""
        gcd_length = gcd(len(str1), len(str2))
        return str1[:gcd_length]

Explanation / 解释

  1. Step 1 / 第一步:
  • Check if str1 concatenated with str2 equals str2 concatenated with str1. If not, return an empty string.
    检查 str1str2 的连接是否等于 str2str1 的连接。如果不等,返回空字符串。
  1. Step 2 / 第二步:
  • Compute the GCD of the lengths of str1 and str2.
    计算 str1str2 长度的最大公约数。
  1. Step 3 / 第三步:
  • Return the substring of str1 from index 0 to the GCD of the lengths.
    返回 str1 从索引 0 到长度最大公约数的子字符串。

Complexity Analysis / 复杂度分析

  • Time Complexity: O(N + M), where N and M are the lengths of str1 and str2.
    时间复杂度: O(N + M),其中 N 和 M 是 str1str2 的长度。

  • Space Complexity: O(1)
    空间复杂度: O(1)

Key Concept / 关键概念

  • The key concept is to use the properties of string concatenation and the greatest common divisor to find the common divisor string.

解决方案 2


Approach 2 / 方法 2


Detailed Steps / 详细步骤

Initialization / 初始化:

  1. Define a recursive function to find the GCD of strings.

Step 1 / 第一步:

  1. In each recursive call, if one string is a prefix of the other, return the common prefix.

Step 2 / 第二步:

  1. Recur with the remaining parts of the strings.

Implementation / 实现


class Solution:
    def gcdOfStrings(self, str1: str, str2: str) -> str:
        if not str2:
            return str1
        if str1.startswith(str2):
            return self.gcdOfStrings(str1[len(str2):], str2)
            return self.gcdOfStrings(str2, str1)

Explanation / 解释

  1. Step 1 / 第一步:
  • Base case: if str2 is empty, return str1.
    基本情况:如果 str2 为空,则返回 str1
  1. Step 2 / 第二步:
  • If str1 starts with str2, recur with the remaining part of str1 and str2.
    如果 str1str2 开头,则对 str1str2 的剩余部分进行递归。
  1. Step 3 / 第三步:
  • Otherwise, swap the strings and recur.

Complexity Analysis / 复杂度分析

  • Time Complexity: O(N + M)
    时间复杂度: O(N + M)

  • Space Complexity: O(N + M)
    空间复杂度: O(N + M)

Key Concept / 关键概念

  • The key concept is to use recursion to find the greatest common divisor of the strings.

Tips / 提示

  • Ensure to handle edge cases where one string is much longer than the other.

Solution Template for similar questions / 提示

  • The approach can be applied to other problems involving finding common prefixes or divisors of strings.

Recommended 5 more similar questions / 推荐5问题

  1. LeetCode 14: Longest Common Prefix
  2. LeetCode 28: Implement strStr()
  3. LeetCode 796: Rotate String
  4. LeetCode 459: Repeated Substring Pattern
  5. LeetCode 686: Repeated String Match


Recommend Resource

Greatest Common Divisor of Strings – Leetcode 1071 – Python by NeetCodeIO


3 responses to “LeetCode: 1071 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings”

  1. admin Avatar

    The reason for checking if `str1 + str2` equals `str2 + str1` is based on a property of strings that have a common divisor. Here’s the detailed explanation:

    ### Explanation

    #### Why Check Concatenation?
    If `str1` and `str2` have a common divisor string `x`, then the following conditions must be true:
    1. `str1` can be constructed by repeating `x` multiple times.
    2. `str2` can be constructed by repeating `x` multiple times.

    Therefore, if both `str1` and `str2` can be constructed by repeating the same string `x`, the concatenation of `str1` followed by `str2` should be the same as `str2` followed by `str1`.

    #### Formal Proof:
    Let `x` be the greatest common divisor string of `str1` and `str2`.

    1. Suppose `str1` = `x * a` (where `*` denotes repetition and `a` is the number of repetitions)
    2. Suppose `str2` = `x * b` (where `b` is the number of repetitions)

    If `x` is the divisor of both `str1` and `str2`, then:
    – `str1 + str2` = `x * a + x * b` = `x * (a + b)`
    – `str2 + str1` = `x * b + x * a` = `x * (b + a)`

    Since string concatenation is commutative with respect to the repetition of the same substring `x`:
    – `x * (a + b)` should be equal to `x * (b + a)`

    If `str1 + str2` is not equal to `str2 + str1`, it implies that `str1` and `str2` do not have the same repeating pattern and thus do not share a common divisor string `x`.

    ### Example:

    Consider `str1 = “ABCABC”` and `str2 = “ABC”`:
    – `str1 + str2` = “ABCABCABC”
    – `str2 + str1` = “ABCABCABC”

    Both are equal, indicating they share the common divisor “ABC”.

    Consider `str1 = “LEET”` and `str2 = “CODE”`:
    – `str1 + str2` = “LEETCODE”
    – `str2 + str1` = “CODELEET”

    They are not equal, indicating there is no common divisor string.

    ### Conclusion:
    This check ensures that both strings can be formed by repeating the same substring. If they cannot be, then there is no common divisor string.

    #### Code Implementation:

    from math import gcd

    class Solution:
    def gcdOfStrings(self, str1: str, str2: str) -> str:
    if str1 + str2 != str2 + str1:
    return “”
    gcd_length = gcd(len(str1), len(str2))
    return str1[:gcd_length]

    In the code above:
    1. We check if `str1 + str2` equals `str2 + str1`.
    2. If not, return an empty string since there is no common divisor.
    3. If they are equal, compute the GCD of the lengths of `str1` and `str2` to find the length of the common divisor string.
    4. Return the substring of `str1` from index 0 to the GCD length.

  2. admin Avatar

    class Solution:
    def gcdOfStrings(self, str1: str, str2: str) -> str:
    if not str2:
    return str1
    if str1.startswith(str2):
    return self.gcdOfStrings(str1[len(str2):], str2)
    return self.gcdOfStrings(str2, str1)

    ### Explanation of the Code

    This code uses a recursive approach to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two strings. The idea is to repeatedly shorten the strings by removing common prefixes until one of them becomes empty. The remaining string is the GCD of the original two strings.

    #### Detailed Steps

    1. **Base Case: Check if `str2` is Empty**
    if not str2:
    return str1
    – If `str2` is empty, the GCD is `str1`. This is because when one string is empty, the other string itself is the greatest common divisor. This serves as the base case for our recursion.

    2. **Check if `str1` Starts with `str2`**
    if str1.startswith(str2):
    return self.gcdOfStrings(str1[len(str2):], str2)
    – If `str1` starts with `str2`, it means that `str2` is a prefix of `str1`.
    – We then remove the prefix `str2` from `str1` and make a recursive call with the remaining part of `str1` and `str2`.

    3. **If `str1` Does Not Start with `str2`, Swap and Recur**
    return self.gcdOfStrings(str2, str1)
    – If `str1` does not start with `str2`, we swap `str1` and `str2` and make a recursive call. This step ensures that the longer string is always the first argument in the next recursive call, thus progressively reducing the problem size.

    ### Example Walkthrough

    #### Example 1: `str1 = “ABCABC”` and `str2 = “ABC”`

    1. Initial call: `gcdOfStrings(“ABCABC”, “ABC”)`
    – `str1` starts with `str2`, so we remove `str2` from `str1`:
    – Recursive call: `gcdOfStrings(“ABC”, “ABC”)`

    2. Next call: `gcdOfStrings(“ABC”, “ABC”)`
    – `str1` starts with `str2`, so we remove `str2` from `str1`:
    – Recursive call: `gcdOfStrings(“”, “ABC”)`

    3. Next call: `gcdOfStrings(“”, “ABC”)`
    – `str2` is not empty, but `str1` is. By our definition, the GCD is `str2`, which is `”ABC”`.

    #### Example 2: `str1 = “LEET”` and `str2 = “CODE”`

    1. Initial call: `gcdOfStrings(“LEET”, “CODE”)`
    – `str1` does not start with `str2`, so we swap and recur:
    – Recursive call: `gcdOfStrings(“CODE”, “LEET”)`

    2. Next call: `gcdOfStrings(“CODE”, “LEET”)`
    – `str1` does not start with `str2`, so we swap and recur:
    – Recursive call: `gcdOfStrings(“LEET”, “CODE”)`

    3. This process continues without reducing the problem size, leading to eventually reaching the base case where `str1` or `str2` will be empty. Since `str1` and `str2` do not share a common prefix at any point, the GCD will be an empty string.

    ### Complexity Analysis

    – **Time Complexity**: The time complexity is O(N + M), where N and M are the lengths of `str1` and `str2`. Each recursive call reduces the length of the strings by removing a prefix, so the recursion depth is proportional to the lengths of the strings.
    – **Space Complexity**: The space complexity is O(N + M) due to the recursion stack. In the worst case, we could have N + M recursive calls.

    ### Summary

    This code uses a recursive approach to find the greatest common divisor of two strings by removing common prefixes. It checks if one string starts with the other and removes the common prefix in each recursive call, progressively reducing the problem size until one string becomes empty, at which point the remaining string is the GCD. If no common prefix exists, the result is an empty string.

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