Welcome back! Yesterday, we learned about classes and objects in Python. Today, we’ll dive deeper into object-oriented programming concepts with inheritance and polymorphism. These concepts will help you create more flexible and reusable code. Let’s get started!
What is Inheritance?
Inheritance allows you to create a new class based on an existing class. The new class (child class) inherits attributes and methods from the existing class (parent class), allowing you to reuse code and create a hierarchical relationship between classes.
Creating a Child Class
To create a child class, specify the parent class in parentheses after the child class name.
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def speak(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement abstract method")
class Dog(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f"{self.name} says Woof!"
class Cat(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f"{self.name} says Meow!"
dog = Dog("Buddy")
cat = Cat("Whiskers")
print(dog.speak()) # Output: Buddy says Woof!
print(cat.speak()) # Output: Whiskers says Meow!
Method Overriding
Child classes can override methods from the parent class. This allows you to provide a specific implementation for the method in the child class.
class Bird(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f"{self.name} says Chirp!"
bird = Bird("Tweety")
print(bird.speak()) # Output: Tweety says Chirp!
Using super()
The super() function allows you to call methods from the parent class within the child class.
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self, make, model):
self.make = make
self.model = model
def description(self):
return f"{self.make} {self.model}"
class Car(Vehicle):
def __init__(self, make, model, year):
super().__init__(make, model)
self.year = year
def description(self):
return f"{self.year} {super().description()}"
car = Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2020)
print(car.description()) # Output: 2020 Toyota Camry
What is Polymorphism?
Polymorphism allows you to use a unified interface for different data types. In Python, it means that you can use the same method name in different classes.
class Fish(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f"{self.name} says Blub!"
animals = [Dog("Buddy"), Cat("Whiskers"), Bird("Tweety"), Fish("Nemo")]
for animal in animals:
Practice Time!
Let’s put what we’ve learned into practice. Write a Python program that demonstrates inheritance and polymorphism.
# Defining the base class
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, salary):
self.name = name
self.salary = salary
def work(self):
return f"{self.name} is working."
# Defining subclasses
class Manager(Employee):
def work(self):
return f"{self.name} is managing the team."
class Developer(Employee):
def work(self):
return f"{self.name} is writing code."
class Intern(Employee):
def work(self):
return f"{self.name} is learning and assisting."
# Creating instances of each class
employees = [
Manager("Alice", 90000),
Developer("Bob", 80000),
Intern("Charlie", 30000)
# Using polymorphism to call the work method on each instance
for employee in employees:
Great job today! You’ve learned how to use inheritance and polymorphism in Python, which are powerful concepts in object-oriented programming. Tomorrow, we’ll dive into graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and learn how to create simple GUIs using tkinter. Keep practicing and having fun coding!
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