Python 101: `bisect.bisect_right` function

The bisect.bisect_right function is part of Python’s bisect module. It is used to find the position where an element should be inserted into a sorted sequence, and it inserts the element from the right side.


  • bisect_right(a, x): Finds the position where element x should be inserted in the sorted sequence a, such that the element is placed after all existing elements equal to x. If x already exists in the sequence, the new element will be inserted to the right of the existing x.


import bisect

# Example: A sorted list
a = [1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 8]

# Find the position to insert 3 (inserting from the right)
pos = bisect.bisect_right(a, 3)

print(pos)  # Output: 3

In this example, the list a = [1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 8] already contains two 3s. When calling bisect_right(a, 3), the result is 3, indicating that a new 3 would be inserted after the two existing 3s, at index 3.

How bisect_right Works

  • bisect_right finds the appropriate insertion point in the list while maintaining the sorted order. The inserted element is placed after all elements that are equal to x.
  • This is useful for efficiently inserting new elements or finding split points in ordered data without disrupting the sequence order.

Comparison Between bisect_left and bisect_right

Python’s bisect module also provides the bisect_left function, which behaves similarly to bisect_right, but the insertion point is to the left of all elements equal to x. Here’s a comparison:

  • bisect_left(a, x): Finds the position where element x should be inserted, placing it to the left of all elements greater than or equal to x. If x exists, it is inserted on the left side.
  • bisect_right(a, x): Finds the position where element x should be inserted, placing it to the right of all elements greater than x. If x exists, it is inserted on the right side.

Example Comparison

import bisect

a = [1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 8]

# bisect_left finds the position to insert 3 (inserting from the left)
left_pos = bisect.bisect_left(a, 3)

# bisect_right finds the position to insert 3 (inserting from the right)
right_pos = bisect.bisect_right(a, 3)

print(left_pos)  # Output: 1
print(right_pos)  # Output: 3

In this example:

  • bisect_left(a, 3) returns 1, meaning that 3 can be inserted before the existing 3s, at index 1.
  • bisect_right(a, 3) returns 3, meaning that 3 can be inserted after the existing 3s, at index 3.


bisect.bisect_right is an efficient binary search tool for finding insertion points in a sorted list. It is especially useful when working with data structures that need to remain ordered, and it helps quickly find where to insert or split elements. In use cases like handling snapshot arrays or time-series data, bisect_right allows you to efficiently locate the most recent snapshot before a given time point.


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