C# 101: Differences Between C# `Dictionary` and `HashSet`

Differences Between C# Dictionary and HashSet

Answer Explanation:

Dictionary and HashSet are both collection types in C# that use a hash table for storing data, providing high lookup performance (average O(1) time complexity). While they share some similarities, they are fundamentally different in terms of structure and usage scenarios.

Detailed Explanation and Comparison:

Feature Dictionary HashSet
Definition Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs where each key maps to a unique value. It is typically used when you need to quickly look up a value by its key. HashSet is a collection that stores only unique elements, similar to a mathematical set, and is commonly used to ensure no duplicates are present.
Storage Method Stores and looks up data using keys, where each key maps to a single value. If a duplicate key is inserted, it overwrites the previous value. Stores elements by their values alone (no key-value pairs). Each element must be unique and cannot have duplicates.
Access Method Access and modify values using keys. Stores elements and checks for membership based on the value itself (no index or key-based access).
Use Case – Ideal for fast lookups by key.
– Used for mapping relationships (e.g., mapping student IDs to names).
– Used to ensure no duplicate items are present.
– Ideal for set operations like intersection, union, and difference.
Internal Implementation Uses the hash code of keys to map to values, utilizing a hash table to manage key-value storage. Uses the hash code of elements to store and look up values, utilizing a hash table to manage element storage.
Performance Average time complexity for lookup, insertion, and deletion is O(1) (depending on hash function efficiency and hash table load factor). Average time complexity for lookup, insertion, and deletion is O(1) (depending on hash function efficiency and hash table load factor).
Duplicate Handling Keys must be unique, but values can be duplicated. All elements must be unique; no duplicate elements are allowed in the collection.
Common Methods Add(Key, Value): Adds a key-value pair.
Remove(Key): Removes an element by key.
ContainsKey(Key): Checks if a key is present.
TryGetValue(Key, out Value): Attempts to get the value for a specified key.
Add(Element): Adds an element to the set.
Remove(Element): Removes an element.
Contains(Element): Checks if an element is in the set.
Typical Use Case – Implementing dictionaries, maps, or index tables.
– When you need to quickly look up a value by key (e.g., looking up a username by user ID).
– Set operations such as intersection, union, and difference.
– Quick detection of whether a value is in the collection or for de-duplication.
Code Example csharp Dictionary<int, string> studentDict = new Dictionary<int, string>(); studentDict.Add(1, "Alice"); studentDict.Add(2, "Bob"); Console.WriteLine(studentDict[1]); // Output: "Alice" ` | `csharp HashSet<int> studentIDs = new HashSet<int>(); studentIDs.Add(1); studentIDs.Add(2); studentIDs.Add(2); Console.WriteLine(studentIDs.Count); // Output: 2
Advantages – Supports key-value pair storage, making it ideal for mapping relationships.
– Provides rich methods to operate on keys and values.
– Ensures all elements are unique.
– Supports quick set operations like intersection, union, and difference.
Disadvantages – May consume more memory when handling large amounts of data.
– Keys must be unique, making it unsuitable for scenarios requiring duplicate keys (e.g., many-to-many relationships).
– Does not support key-value mapping and is unsuitable for scenarios where you need to quickly look up a value based on a key.

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Dictionary

    Dictionary is a collection used to store key-value pairs and provides the ability to quickly look up values by their keys. It is implemented using a hash table, so lookup, insertion, and deletion operations have an average time complexity of O(1). Dictionary is ideal when you need to represent a mapping relationship, such as mapping a student ID to a name.

    Code Example:

    // Using Dictionary to store a mapping of student IDs to names
    Dictionary studentDict = new Dictionary();
    studentDict.Add(1, "Alice");
    studentDict.Add(2, "Bob");
    // Accessing value (name) by key (student ID)
    Console.WriteLine(studentDict[1]); // Output: "Alice"


    • You access values through keys, making it suitable for scenarios where key-value mapping is required.
    • Dictionary requires that keys be unique, and inserting with the same key will overwrite the previous value.
    • Best for scenarios requiring quick lookups, additions, and deletions of key-value pairs.


    • If you do not need to look up values by keys, storing key-value pairs may result in memory overhead.
  2. HashSet

    HashSet is a collection that stores unique elements and uses the hash code of elements for storage and lookup. Its main advantage is ensuring that no duplicate elements are present and supporting common set operations like intersection, union, and difference.

    Code Example:

    // Using HashSet to store unique student IDs
    HashSet studentIDs = new HashSet();
    studentIDs.Add(2); // Trying to add a duplicate element
    // HashSet does not allow duplicates, so the Count is 2
    Console.WriteLine(studentIDs.Count); // Output: 2


    • HashSet ensures that all elements are unique and does not allow duplicates.
    • Supports quick set operations like IntersectWith (intersection), UnionWith (union), and ExceptWith (difference).
    • Suitable for storing unique elements, de-duplication, or performing set operations.


    • Does not support key-value mapping and cannot be used in scenarios where you need to look up a specific value based on a key.
    • If you need to associate values (e.g., student ID to name), HashSet is not an ideal choice.


  • Use Dictionary when you need to store and manage key-value pairs.
  • Use HashSet when you only need to store unique elements and perform set operations.
  • Use the Contains method to quickly check for the existence of keys or elements in both Dictionary and HashSet.


  • Since both Dictionary and HashSet use hash tables for data storage, hash collisions can affect their performance. Therefore, using appropriate hash functions and key types is important.
  • Dictionary keys should implement GetHashCode and Equals methods to ensure unique keys and correct comparison logic.

I hope these explanations help you understand the differences between Dictionary and HashSet in C#. If you need more detailed examples or further discussion on their application scenarios, feel free to let me know!


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