C# interview questions: Purpose of `async` and `await` in C#

Purpose of async and await in C# (With Key Points, Tips, Code Examples)

In C#, the async and await keywords allow for easier and more efficient asynchronous programming. This helps developers write code that doesn’t block the main thread, improving the responsiveness of the application, especially for I/O-bound operations such as reading from files, making HTTP requests, or interacting with databases.

Quick Answer

  • async: Declares a method as asynchronous, allowing it to contain await expressions.
  • await: Suspends the execution of the async method until the awaited task is complete, allowing the thread to perform other tasks in the meantime.

What is async?

The async keyword tells the compiler that the method will be asynchronous, meaning it can contain one or more await expressions. When called, it can run non-blocking operations like network requests or database queries.


public async Task<int> GetDataAsync()
    await Task.Delay(2000);  // Simulate a 2-second delay
    return 42;

What is await?

The await keyword pauses the execution of the async method until the awaited task is finished. While the task is running, the thread is free to perform other work.


public async Task PrintDataAsync()
    int data = await GetDataAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Fetched data: {data}");

5Ws Explanation

1. What:

  • async: Marks a method as asynchronous, which can contain await expressions.
  • await: Pauses execution until a task is complete, allowing the main thread to continue other work.

2. Why:

  • async and await are used to improve the responsiveness of applications by allowing long-running operations to be executed without blocking the main thread.

3. When:

  • Use async and await when performing I/O-bound tasks such as database queries, file reads/writes, or network requests.

4. Where:

  • Commonly used in user interfaces (UI) to keep the application responsive, and in server-side code to handle concurrent requests.

5. Who:

  • Developers implementing non-blocking, asynchronous operations to improve performance and responsiveness.

Key Points & Tips (With Code Examples)

1. Avoid Blocking: Use await to avoid blocking the calling thread

Without await, the main thread would be blocked while waiting for the task to complete. With await, the thread can continue processing other tasks.


   public async Task LongRunningOperationAsync()
       await Task.Delay(5000);  // Simulating a long-running task
       Console.WriteLine("Operation completed.");

   public async Task MainAsync()
       Console.WriteLine("Before calling async method.");
       await LongRunningOperationAsync();  // Non-blocking
       Console.WriteLine("After calling async method.");


   Before calling async method.
   (After 5 seconds)
   Operation completed.
   After calling async method.

Tip: Using await avoids blocking the calling thread, improving responsiveness.

2. Return Types: Async methods should return Task or Task<T>

When a method doesn’t return any value, it should return Task. If it returns a value, use Task<T>.


   public async Task DownloadFileAsync()
       await Task.Delay(2000);  // Simulating a file download
       Console.WriteLine("File downloaded.");

   public async Task GetDataAsync()
       await Task.Delay(1000);  // Simulating a data fetch
       return 42;

   public async Task MainAsync()
       await DownloadFileAsync();
       int data = await GetDataAsync();
       Console.WriteLine($"Data fetched: {data}");


   File downloaded.
   Data fetched: 42

Tip: Return Task for methods that don’t return a value and Task<T> for methods that do.

3. Exception Handling in Async Methods

Exceptions in asynchronous methods can be caught using try/catch, just like in synchronous methods. The exception will propagate once the await expression is completed.


   public async Task FaultyAsyncMethod()
       await Task.Delay(1000);
       throw new InvalidOperationException("An error occurred!");

   public async Task HandleExceptionAsync()
           await FaultyAsyncMethod();
       catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
           Console.WriteLine($"Caught exception: {ex.Message}");

   public async Task MainAsync()
       await HandleExceptionAsync();


   Caught exception: An error occurred!

Tip: Handle exceptions in async methods using try/catch blocks.

4. Use async/await for I/O-bound Tasks

async/await is most effective for tasks like network requests, file I/O, or database operations. These operations typically involve waiting for external resources, which doesn’t require CPU time.


   public async Task FetchDataFromApiAsync()
       using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
           HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("https://api.example.com/data");
           string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
           Console.WriteLine($"Data fetched: {content}");

   public async Task MainAsync()
       await FetchDataFromApiAsync();
       Console.WriteLine("API data fetch complete.");


   Data fetched: { "example": "data" }
   API data fetch complete.

Tip: Use async and await for I/O-bound tasks like web requests and file reads to avoid blocking the thread.

Comparison: async vs Multi-threading

Feature async/await Multi-threading
Purpose Asynchronous I/O-bound operations Concurrency and parallelism in CPU-bound tasks
Threads Uses existing threads, no new thread created Creates new threads
Complexity Simpler code, managed by the runtime More complex, developer manages threads
Typical Use Network requests, file I/O Heavy computations, parallel processing

Interview Questions (中英对照)

Q1. What is the purpose of async and await in C#?

The purpose of async and await is to allow asynchronous programming without blocking the main thread, which improves application responsiveness.

Q1. C# 中 asyncawait 的目的是什么?

asyncawait 的目的是在不阻塞主线程的情况下进行异步编程,从而提高应用程序的响应能力。

Q2. What happens if you call an async method without await?

If you call an async method without await, the method will run asynchronously but the calling method will not wait for it to finish. This can lead to unpredictable behavior.

Q2. 如果调用 async 方法时没有使用 await 会发生什么?

如果没有使用 await,异步方法会启动,但调用方法不会等待它完成,这可能导致不可预知的行为。

Q3. Can async methods return anything other than Task or Task<T>?

Yes, async methods can return void, but this is only recommended for event handlers. The most common return types are Task and Task<T>.

Q3. async 方法可以返回除 TaskTask<T> 之外的其他内容吗?

可以,async 方法可以返回 void,但通常仅用于事件处理程序。最常见的返回类型是 TaskTask<T>


The async and await keywords in C# are vital for building responsive and non-blocking applications, particularly for I/O-bound operations. Understanding how and when to use them will improve your code’s performance and readability.


C# 中的 asyncawait 关键字对于构建响应性和非阻塞的应用程序至关重要,尤其是在处理 I/O 绑定操作时。理解它们的用法可以提升代码的性能和可读性。

Advanced Concepts in Asynchronous Programming: Task.WhenAll and Cancellation Tokens in C

Building on our understanding of async and await, C# provides advanced features like Task.WhenAll for running multiple asynchronous tasks in parallel and cancellation tokens for canceling long-running tasks when needed. These concepts allow for better control and management of asynchronous workflows, improving both performance and responsiveness.

What is Task.WhenAll?

Task.WhenAll is a method that allows multiple tasks to be awaited simultaneously. Instead of awaiting each task individually, which can lead to inefficiencies, Task.WhenAll waits for all tasks in the provided collection to complete before continuing.

Example: Using Task.WhenAll

Let’s consider a scenario where we need to perform multiple asynchronous operations, such as making several web requests. Using Task.WhenAll, we can send the requests simultaneously and wait for all of them to finish.

public async Task FetchMultipleApisAsync()
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    // List of API requests
    Task<string> task1 = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.example.com/data1");
    Task<string> task2 = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.example.com/data2");
    Task<string> task3 = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.example.com/data3");

    // Await all tasks to complete
    string[] results = await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);

    // Process the results
    Console.WriteLine($"Data1: {results[0]}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Data2: {results[1]}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Data3: {results[2]}");

Key Points:

  • Concurrent Execution: All tasks are started at the same time, making the total time equal to the duration of the longest task, rather than the sum of all durations.
  • Error Handling: If any of the tasks throw an exception, Task.WhenAll will throw an AggregateException containing all exceptions.

Tip: Use Task.WhenAll for multiple independent I/O-bound operations that can run in parallel.

What are Cancellation Tokens?

Sometimes, long-running asynchronous tasks need to be canceled before they complete. C# uses cancellation tokens to handle this. A CancellationToken provides a mechanism to signal that a task should stop its execution.

Example: Using Cancellation Tokens

The CancellationTokenSource class generates a CancellationToken, which can be passed to asynchronous methods. The task monitors the token and cancels itself when requested.

public async Task DownloadFileAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        // Simulate a file download with cancellation support
        HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("https://example.com/largefile", cancellationToken);
        string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Download completed.");
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
        Console.WriteLine("Download canceled.");

public async Task MainAsync()
    // Create a cancellation token source
    var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

    // Start the download task
    Task downloadTask = DownloadFileAsync(cts.Token);

    // Simulate user cancelling the operation after 2 seconds
    await Task.Delay(2000);

    await downloadTask;

Key Points:

  • Cancellation Requests: The Cancel() method of CancellationTokenSource signals the cancellation.
  • Task Cancellation: Tasks need to regularly check the token by calling ThrowIfCancellationRequested(), or using token-aware APIs like HttpClient.GetAsync.
  • Handling Cancellations: If a task is canceled, an OperationCanceledException is thrown, which can be caught and handled.

Tip: Use cancellation tokens when you need to provide users or other processes the ability to cancel long-running or resource-intensive operations.

Combining Task.WhenAll and Cancellation Tokens

You can combine Task.WhenAll with cancellation tokens to handle both parallelism and cancellation in a complex asynchronous workflow. Here’s an example where we perform multiple tasks and allow them to be canceled at any point:

public async Task FetchMultipleApisWithCancellationAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    Task<string> task1 = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.example.com/data1", cancellationToken);
    Task<string> task2 = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.example.com/data2", cancellationToken);
    Task<string> task3 = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.example.com/data3", cancellationToken);

        // Await all tasks with cancellation
        string[] results = await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);
        Console.WriteLine($"Data1: {results[0]}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Data2: {results[1]}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Data3: {results[2]}");
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
        Console.WriteLine("Operation was canceled.");

public async Task MainAsync()
    var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

    Task apiTask = FetchMultipleApisWithCancellationAsync(cts.Token);

    await Task.Delay(1500);  // Simulate user action after 1.5 seconds
    cts.Cancel();  // Request cancellation

    await apiTask;

In this example, the tasks are running in parallel, but they all respect the cancellation request. If the token is canceled, an OperationCanceledException is thrown, and the tasks stop execution.


  • Task.WhenAll: Used to run multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently. It waits until all tasks are complete and returns the results.
  • Cancellation Tokens: Provide a way to cancel long-running or resource-intensive tasks, giving you more control over asynchronous operations.

Key Points & Tips Recap:

  1. Avoid Blocking: Use await to prevent blocking the calling thread while tasks are running in the background.
  2. Return Types: Task.WhenAll returns a Task that completes when all provided tasks are finished.
  3. Cancellation: Use cancellation tokens to cancel tasks when needed, providing flexibility in long-running processes.
  4. Error Handling: Handle errors in parallel tasks using try/catch, especially when using Task.WhenAll with multiple tasks.

Interview Questions (中英对照)

Q1. What is Task.WhenAll in C#?

Task.WhenAll allows multiple tasks to be awaited simultaneously, and it returns a single task that completes when all tasks are done.

Q1. C# 中的 Task.WhenAll 是什么?

Task.WhenAll 允许同时等待多个任务,并返回一个任务,该任务在所有任务完成时完成。

Q2. What is a CancellationToken in C# and how is it used?

A CancellationToken allows you to signal a request to cancel an ongoing task. It is passed to asynchronous methods that support cancellation, and the task regularly checks whether cancellation is requested.

Q2. C# 中的 CancellationToken 是什么?它是如何使用的?

CancellationToken 允许你发出取消正在进行的任务的请求。它会被传递给支持取消的异步方法,任务会定期检查是否请求了取消。

Q3. How do you combine Task.WhenAll and cancellation tokens in C#?

You can pass a CancellationToken to each task in Task.WhenAll, and if any of the tasks are canceled, Task.WhenAll will throw an OperationCanceledException.

Q3. 如何在 C# 中组合使用 Task.WhenAllCancellationToken

你可以将 CancellationToken 传递给 Task.WhenAll 中的每个任务,如果任何任务被取消,Task.WhenAll 将抛出 OperationCanceledException


Advanced asynchronous programming techniques like Task.WhenAll and cancellation tokens provide more power and flexibility when working with multiple asynchronous operations in parallel. Using these techniques correctly can greatly improve your application’s performance and user experience by keeping the application responsive and resource-efficient.

Advanced Asynchronous Programming in C#: Task Continuation, Progress Reporting, and More

In addition to async, await, Task.WhenAll, and cancellation tokens, C# offers even more advanced features like task continuation and progress reporting to manage complex asynchronous workflows. These concepts allow you to handle task chains and report progress in long-running operations, providing enhanced control and user feedback in real-time.

What is Task Continuation?

Task Continuation in C# allows you to specify what should happen after a task completes, whether it succeeds, fails, or is canceled. It’s a way to link multiple asynchronous tasks together without relying solely on await. You can define actions to run after the original task finishes.

Example: Using Task.ContinueWith

public Task<int> ComputeAsync()
    return Task.Run(() =>
        // Simulate computation
        return 42;
    .ContinueWith(task =>
        Console.WriteLine("Computation complete.");
        return task.Result * 2; // Continue with double the result

public async Task MainAsync()
    int result = await ComputeAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Final result: {result}");

Key Points:

  • ContinueWith: Attaches a continuation that executes after the original task is completed. This allows chaining tasks in a sequence.
  • Error Handling: You can handle exceptions in continuations by specifying conditions like OnlyOnFaulted to handle errors specifically.

Tip: Use Task.ContinueWith when you need more control over task chains or want to run specific actions based on task completion, failure, or cancellation.

Progress Reporting in Asynchronous Methods

Progress Reporting is useful in long-running tasks where you want to provide feedback to the user on how far the task has progressed. C# provides the IProgress<T> interface for reporting progress during asynchronous operations.

Example: Progress Reporting with IProgress<T>

public async Task DownloadFileWithProgressAsync(IProgress<int> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    int totalBytes = 1000;  // Example total bytes for download
    int bytesDownloaded = 0;

    while (bytesDownloaded < totalBytes)
        // Simulate downloading in chunks
        await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken);
        bytesDownloaded += 100;

        // Report progress
        int percentComplete = (bytesDownloaded * 100) / totalBytes;

        // Check for cancellation

    Console.WriteLine("Download complete.");

public async Task MainAsync()
    var progress = new Progress<int>(percent => Console.WriteLine($"Progress: {percent}%"));
    var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

    // Start the download with progress and cancellation support
    await DownloadFileWithProgressAsync(progress, cts.Token);

Key Points:

  • IProgress<T>: This interface provides a way to report progress updates from an async method. In the example, IProgress<int> is used to report the percentage of completion.
  • Progress Reporting: The Report() method is used to send progress updates, and the UI or console can reflect these updates.
  • Cancellation: We also use a cancellation token here, allowing the user to cancel the operation.

Tip: Use IProgress<T> when your application has long-running operations, and you want to inform the user of progress, like during downloads, file operations, or data processing.

Combining Task Continuation, Cancellation, and Progress Reporting

You can combine task continuation, cancellation tokens, and progress reporting to manage complex workflows that require feedback and recovery options.

Example: Downloading Multiple Files with Progress Reporting and Continuation

public async Task DownloadMultipleFilesAsync(List<string> fileUrls, IProgress<int> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    int filesDownloaded = 0;
    foreach (var url in fileUrls)
            await Task.Run(() => DownloadFile(url, cancellationToken));  // Simulate file download

            int percentComplete = (filesDownloaded * 100) / fileUrls.Count;
            progress.Report(percentComplete);  // Report progress

            cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();  // Handle cancellation
        catch (OperationCanceledException)
            Console.WriteLine("Download canceled.");

private void DownloadFile(string url, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // Simulate file download delay
    Task.Delay(1000, cancellationToken).Wait();
    Console.WriteLine($"File downloaded from {url}");

public async Task MainAsync()
    var fileUrls = new List<string> { "https://file1.com", "https://file2.com", "https://file3.com" };
    var progress = new Progress<int>(percent => Console.WriteLine($"Progress: {percent}%"));
    var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

    // Start the download process
    await DownloadMultipleFilesAsync(fileUrls, progress, cts.Token);

    // You could trigger cancellation as needed
    // cts.Cancel();

In this example:

  • Task Continuation: We continue downloading files one after another.
  • Progress Reporting: The progress is reported after each file is downloaded, giving the user feedback on how much of the task is complete.
  • Cancellation: The download process can be canceled at any point, and the operation will stop gracefully.

Tip: Combine these advanced features when you need to handle long-running, complex tasks where user feedback and control are essential, such as downloading multiple files, running multiple calculations, or interacting with a large data set.


  • Task Continuation: Use ContinueWith to chain tasks together, controlling what happens after a task completes, succeeds, or fails.
  • Progress Reporting: Implement IProgress<T> to report progress updates during long-running asynchronous tasks.
  • Cancellation: Use CancellationToken to give users or other processes the ability to cancel tasks.
  • Combining Features: You can combine task continuation, cancellation, and progress reporting to build complex, responsive workflows.

Interview Questions (中英对照)

Q1. What is task continuation in C#?

Task continuation allows you to specify actions to be executed after a task completes, either on success, failure, or cancellation.

Q1. C# 中的任务延续(task continuation)是什么?


Q2. How do you report progress in an asynchronous method?

You can report progress using the IProgress<T> interface, which allows the method to send progress updates during its execution.

Q2. 如何在异步方法中报告进度?

可以使用 IProgress<T> 接口,在方法执行期间发送进度更新。

Q3. What happens if you combine Task.WhenAll with progress reporting and cancellation?

You can run multiple tasks in parallel using Task.WhenAll, report progress for each task, and allow for cancellation at any point, providing both feedback and control over long-running operations.

Q3. 如果将 Task.WhenAll 与进度报告和取消结合起来会发生什么?

可以使用 Task.WhenAll 并行运行多个任务,为每个任务报告进度,并允许在任何时候取消,从而为长时间运行的操作提供反馈和控制。


By combining task continuation, progress reporting, and cancellation tokens, C# allows you to handle complex, real-world scenarios more efficiently. These features enable you to build responsive, user-friendly applications where tasks can be managed, progress can be tracked, and users can cancel operations as needed.


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