Leetcode SQL: 595: Big Countries

SQL Code:

SELECT [name], [population], [area]
WHERE area >= 3000000 OR population >=25000000


  1. SELECT name, population, area:
    This line specifies that we want to retrieve three columns: name, population, and area from the World table.

    • name: Represents the name of the country.
    • population: Represents the population of the country.
    • area: Represents the total area of the country.

    这一行指定了我们要从 World 表中获取 namepopulationarea 三个列。

    • name: 表示国家的名称。
    • population: 表示国家的人口。
    • area: 表示国家的总面积。
  2. FROM World:
    The FROM clause indicates that we are querying data from the World table, which contains information about countries, including their population and area.

    FROM 子句表示我们正在查询 World 表的数据,该表包含有关国家的信息,包括人口和面积。

  3. WHERE area >= 3000000 OR population >= 25000000:
    The WHERE clause filters the rows based on two conditions:

    • area >= 3000000: Ensures that only countries with an area greater than or equal to 3,000,000 square kilometers are selected.
    • population >= 25000000: Ensures that only countries with a population greater than or equal to 25,000,000 are selected.
      The OR operator means that a country needs to satisfy at least one of these two conditions to be included in the result set.

    WHERE 子句根据两个条件筛选出行:

    • area >= 3000000: 确保只选择面积大于或等于 300 万平方公里的国家。
    • population >= 25000000: 确保只选择人口大于或等于 2500 万的国家。
      OR 操作符意味着一个国家只需满足这两个条件中的至少一个即可包含在结果集中。

Key Concepts:

  • OR Operator:
    The OR operator allows us to specify multiple conditions. If either the country’s area is large (greater than or equal to 3,000,000) or the population is large (greater than or equal to 25,000,000), the country will be included in the results.

    OR 操作符:
    OR 操作符允许我们指定多个条件。如果一个国家的面积较大(大于或等于 300 万)或人口较多(大于或等于 2500 万),该国家将会被包含在结果中。

  • Filtering with Multiple Conditions:
    Using OR enables the selection of countries that are either large in terms of population or area, providing flexibility when retrieving data.

    使用 OR 可以选择在人口或面积上较大的国家,从而提供了检索数据的灵活性。


  • OR Operator Performance:
    Be cautious when using the OR operator in large datasets, as it may slow down query performance. To optimize performance, consider adding indexes on the population and area columns.

    OR 操作符的性能:
    在大数据集中使用 OR 操作符时要小心,因为它可能会降低查询性能。为优化性能,考虑在 populationarea 列上添加索引。


This query retrieves the names, populations, and areas of countries that either have a large population (greater than or equal to 25 million) or a large area (greater than or equal to 3 million square kilometers). It provides a flexible way to select countries based on either of these criteria.

该查询检索人口超过 2500 万或面积超过 300 万平方公里的国家的名称、人口和面积。它提供了一种灵活的方法来根据这些条件之一选择国家。


  • Indexes:
    Consider creating indexes on the area and population columns to improve the performance of the query, especially if the dataset is large.

    考虑在 areapopulation 列上创建索引,以提高查询性能,尤其是当数据集很大时。

  • Handling Large Datasets:
    In very large datasets, the OR operator might reduce performance. Using appropriate indexes or considering a query rewrite can help optimize performance.

    在非常大的数据集中,OR 操作符可能会降低性能。使用适当的索引或考虑重写查询可以帮助优化性能。

Similar SQL Problems:

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Let me know if you’d like to continue with another problem or need further explanation on this one!


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