Leetcode SQL: 584. Find Customer Referee

Corrected SQL Code:

SELECT name 
FROM Customer
WHERE referee_id IS NULL 
   OR referee_id != 2;


  1. SELECT name:
    This specifies that we want to retrieve the name column from the Customers table, which holds the names of the customers.

    这一行指定了我们要从 Customers 表中获取 name 列,name 表示客户的名字。

  2. FROM Customers:
    This FROM clause indicates the source of data, which is the Customers table in this case.

    FROM 子句表明数据的来源,即 Customers 表。

  3. WHERE referee_id IS NULL OR referee_id != 2:
    The WHERE clause now uses two conditions:

    • referee_id IS NULL: This condition ensures we include customers who do not have a referee (NULL value).
    • referee_id != 2: This condition ensures we exclude customers whose referee_id is equal to 2.
      The OR operator means that customers who either do not have a referee (referee_id IS NULL) or have a referee with an ID different from 2 (referee_id != 2) will be included in the result set.

    WHERE 子句现在使用两个条件:

    • referee_id IS NULL: 该条件确保我们包括没有推荐人的客户(即 NULL 值)。
    • referee_id != 2: 该条件确保我们排除推荐人ID为2的客户。
      OR 操作符意味着,如果客户没有推荐人(referee_id IS NULL)或者推荐人的ID不等于2(referee_id != 2),他们将会被包含在结果集中。

Key Concepts:

  • OR Operator:
    The OR operator allows for flexibility in filtering rows. Either condition can be true for the row to be included. In this query, we either want customers without a referee (NULL) or those whose referee is not ID 2.

    OR 操作符:
    OR 操作符允许在筛选行时有更灵活的条件。只要有一个条件为真,行就会被包含。在这个查询中,我们要么选择没有推荐人的客户(NULL),要么选择推荐人ID不等于2的客户。

  • NULL Values:
    Checking for NULL values is important when dealing with optional or missing data. By including IS NULL, we ensure that customers who were not referred by anyone are also included in the results.

    NULL 值:
    在处理可选或缺失数据时,检查 NULL 值非常重要。通过包含 IS NULL,我们确保没有被任何人推荐的客户也会被包含在结果中。


  • OR Operator Caution:
    Be mindful when using the OR operator, as it can sometimes cause the database to perform slower if not indexed properly. If the dataset is large, the query might benefit from proper indexing on the referee_id column.

    OR 操作符的警告:
    在使用 OR 操作符时要小心,因为如果没有适当的索引,它有时会导致数据库执行速度变慢。如果数据集很大,可以在 referee_id 列上进行适当的索引,以提高查询性能。


This corrected query retrieves the names of customers who either do not have a referee or have a referee with an ID other than 2. This allows for more flexible filtering by including both scenarios.



  • Indexing OR Clauses:
    If the referee_id column is large and frequently queried with conditions like IS NULL or !=, consider creating indexes to speed up the performance of this query.

    为 OR 子句创建索引:
    如果 referee_id 列很大并且经常使用 IS NULL!= 这样的条件进行查询,考虑为该列创建索引,以加快查询性能。

  • Handling NULL and Non-NULL Values:
    When dealing with NULL and non-NULL values together in a WHERE clause, consider the impact on performance, as handling NULL can sometimes require additional processing by the SQL engine.

    处理 NULL 和 非 NULL 值:
    WHERE 子句中同时处理 NULL 和非 NULL 值时,考虑对性能的影响,因为处理 NULL 有时需要 SQL 引擎额外处理。

Similar SQL Problems:

  1. LeetCode 176: Second Highest Salary
    Demonstrates querying with multiple conditions and filtering rows based on specific values, similar to the use of IS NULL and != conditions.

  2. LeetCode 181: Employees Earning More Than Their Managers
    Focuses on filtering rows using logical conditions, which is aligned with filtering based on referee_id.

  3. LeetCode 183: Customers Who Never Order
    Similar to filtering customers by specific conditions, this problem focuses on filtering based on non-activity.

  4. LeetCode 196: Delete Duplicate Emails
    This problem deals with identifying and filtering rows based on specific conditions.

  5. LeetCode 184: Department Highest Salary
    This problem filters rows based on specific conditions in a complex dataset, similar to filtering on referee_id in this query.

Let me know if you would like to explore the next problem or need more details on this one!


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