Algorithms 101: How to implement a stack by using two queues


In this problem, we are required to implement a stack using two queues. The stack should support all four standard operations: push, top, pop, and empty.



The main idea behind using two queues to implement a stack is to simulate the Last In First Out (LIFO) behavior using the First In First Out (FIFO) behavior of queues. To achieve this, we can use the following approach:


  1. Push Operation:

    • Always push the element into queue1.

    Push 操作:

    • 始终将元素推入 queue1
  2. Pop Operation:

    • Transfer all elements from queue1 to queue2, except the last one. The last element in queue1 is the top of the stack, which should be removed and returned. Then, swap the roles of queue1 and queue2.

    Pop 操作:

    • queue1 中的所有元素转移到 queue2,除了最后一个元素。 queue1 中的最后一个元素是栈顶元素,应该被移除并返回。然后交换 queue1queue2 的角色。
  3. Top Operation:

    • Similar to the pop operation, but instead of removing the last element, just return it.

    Top 操作:

    • 类似于 pop 操作,但不移除最后一个元素,只返回它。
  4. Empty Operation:

    • The stack is empty if queue1 is empty.

    Empty 操作:

    • 如果 queue1 为空,则栈为空。

Example Implementation

Here is how the MyStack class can be implemented:

下面是 MyStack 类的实现:

from collections import deque

class MyStack:

    def __init__(self):
        self.queue1 = deque()
        self.queue2 = deque()

    def push(self, x: int) -> None:

    def pop(self) -> int:
        while len(self.queue1) > 1:
        res = self.queue1.popleft()
        self.queue1, self.queue2 = self.queue2, self.queue1
        return res

    def top(self) -> int:
        while len(self.queue1) > 1:
        res = self.queue1.popleft()
        self.queue1, self.queue2 = self.queue2, self.queue1
        return res

    def empty(self) -> bool:
        return not self.queue1


  • Initialization: Two queues are initialized: queue1 and queue2.


  • Push Operation: The push method appends the element to queue1.

    Push 操作push 方法将元素追加到 queue1 中。

  • Pop Operation: The pop method transfers elements from queue1 to queue2, leaving the last element, which is then removed and returned.

    Pop 操作pop 方法将元素从 queue1 转移到 queue2,剩下最后一个元素,然后将其移除并返回。

  • Top Operation: The top method works similarly to pop, but after obtaining the last element, it is put back into queue2.

    Top 操作top 方法的工作原理与 pop 类似,但在获得最后一个元素后,它会被放回到 queue2 中。

  • Empty Operation: The empty method checks if queue1 is empty.

    Empty 操作empty 方法检查 queue1 是否为空。

Time Complexity

  • Push Operation: O(1)
  • Pop Operation: O(n)
  • Top Operation: O(n)
  • Empty Operation: O(1)


  • Push 操作:O(1)
  • Pop 操作:O(n)
  • Top 操作:O(n)
  • Empty 操作:O(1)

Interview Questions

  1. Why is the pop operation more complex than the push operation?

    • Because we need to maintain the order of elements to achieve LIFO behavior using two queues.

    为什么 pop 操作比 push 操作复杂?

    • 因为我们需要维护元素的顺序,以便使用两个队列实现后进先出(LIFO)行为。
  2. Can you optimize the pop operation to make it faster?

    • It’s difficult to further optimize the pop operation using only two queues without additional data structures.

    你能优化 pop 操作以使其更快吗?

    • 在不使用额外数据结构的情况下,使用两个队列很难进一步优化 pop 操作。
  3. What are the trade-offs of using this method to implement a stack?

    • The trade-off is that while push is efficient, pop and top operations have higher time complexity compared to a native stack implementation.


    • 权衡在于虽然 push 操作是高效的,但与原生栈实现相比,pop 和 top 操作的时间复杂度更高。
  4. Would this implementation be practical in a performance-critical application?

    • It might not be ideal for performance-critical applications due to the O(n) time complexity of pop and top operations.


    • 由于 pop 和 top 操作的 O(n) 时间复杂度,它可能不适用于性能关键的应用。
  5. How does this approach differ from implementing a stack with a single queue?

    • Implementing a stack with a single queue usually involves a different approach, such as rotating the queue during the push operation.


    • 使用单个队列实现栈通常涉及不同的方法,例如在 push 操作期间旋转队列。


Implementing a stack using two queues is an interesting exercise in understanding data structure operations and their complexities. While it provides a functional stack, the efficiency trade-offs must be considered for practical applications.




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