Here’s a comprehensive table of Git commands based on the above contents, including explanations and code examples:
Git Command Cheat Sheet
Command | Description in English | Description in Chinese | Code Example |
git init |
Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory | 在当前目录中初始化一个新的Git仓库 | git init |
git status |
Shows the status of changes in the working directory | 显示工作目录中更改的状态 | git status |
git add |
Stages files for the next commit | 暂存文件以便进行下次提交 | git add file.txt |
git commit |
Records changes to the repository | 记录对仓库的更改 | git commit -m "Commit message" |
git clone |
Clones a repository into a new directory | 将仓库克隆到新目录中 | git clone |
git log |
Shows the commit history of the current branch | 显示当前分支的提交历史 | git log |
git checkout |
Switches branches or restores working tree files | 切换分支或恢复工作树文件 | git checkout branch-name |
git merge |
Merges changes from one branch into another | 将一个分支的更改合并到另一个分支 | git merge feature-branch |
git push |
Pushes local changes to a remote repository | 将本地更改推送到远程仓库 | git push origin branch-name |
git pull |
Fetches and merges changes from a remote repository | 从远程仓库获取并合并更改 | git pull origin branch-name |
git add -p |
Interactively stages changes hunk by hunk | 以交互方式逐块暂存更改 | git add -p |
git stash |
Temporarily saves changes for later retrieval | 暂时保存更改以供以后检索 | git stash |
git stash pop |
Applies and removes the most recent stash | 应用并删除最近的存储 | git stash pop |
git rebase |
Moves or "rebases" commits onto another branch | 将提交移到或“变基”到另一个分支 | git rebase main |
git rebase -i |
Starts an interactive rebase for more control | 启动交互式变基以获得更多控制 | git rebase -i HEAD~3 |
git branch |
Lists, creates, or deletes branches | 列出、创建或删除分支 | git branch / git branch new-branch |
git remote |
Manages set of tracked repositories | 管理已跟踪的仓库集 | git remote -v |
git fetch |
Downloads objects and refs from another repository | 从另一个仓库下载对象和引用 | git fetch origin |
git reset |
Resets current HEAD to a specified state | 将当前HEAD重置为指定状态 | git reset --hard HEAD~1 |
git revert |
Reverts a commit by creating a new commit | 通过创建新提交来还原提交 | git revert commit-hash |
git fork (GitHub-specific) |
Creates a personal copy of another user’s repository on GitHub | 在GitHub上创建另一个用户仓库的个人副本 | Fork a repository via GitHub UI |
git pull-request (GitHub-specific) |
Creates a pull request to propose changes to a repository | 创建Pull Request以提出对仓库的更改 | Create via GitHub UI |
ssh-keygen |
Generates a new SSH key pair | 生成新的SSH密钥对 | ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]" |
ssh-add |
Adds an SSH private key to the SSH-agent | 将SSH私钥添加到SSH代理 | ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 |
git remote add |
Adds a new remote repository | 添加新的远程仓库 | git remote add origin |
git mergetool |
Launches a merge tool to resolve conflicts | 启动合并工具以解决冲突 | git mergetool |
git config |
Configures Git settings | 配置Git设置 | git config --global "Your Name" |
This table provides a quick reference for common Git commands, their explanations, and examples, making it easier to use Git effectively.
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