Leetcode: 86 Partition List

Given the head of a linked list and a value x, partition it such that all nodes less than x come before nodes greater than or equal to x.

You should preserve the original relative order of the nodes in each of the two partitions.


Input: head = [1,4,3,2,5,2], x = 3
Output: [1,2,2,4,3,5]


Input: head = [2,1], x = 2
Output: [1,2]


给定链表的 head 和一个值 x,将链表重新排列,使得所有小于 x 的节点都在大于或等于 x 的节点之前。




Approach / 方法

This solution uses two pointers to create two separate lists: one for nodes less than x and another for nodes greater than or equal to x. After traversing the entire list, we connect the two lists to form the final partitioned list.

该解决方案使用两个指针创建两个单独的链表:一个用于存储小于 x 的节点,另一个用于存储大于或等于 x 的节点。在遍历完整个链表后,我们将这两个链表连接起来,形成最终的分区链表。

Implementation / 实现


class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
        self.val = val
        self.next = next

class Solution:
    def partition(self, head: ListNode, x: int) -> ListNode:
        # Create two dummy nodes
        less_head = ListNode(0)
        greater_head = ListNode(0)

        # Pointers for the two lists
        less = less_head
        greater = greater_head

        # Traverse the original list
        while head:
            if head.val < x:
                less.next = head
                less = less.next
                greater.next = head
                greater = greater.next
            head = head.next

        # Connect the two lists
        greater.next = None  # To prevent a cycle in the list
        less.next = greater_head.next

        return less_head.next

Explanation / 解释

  1. Create Dummy Nodes / 创建虚拟节点

    less_head = ListNode(0)
    greater_head = ListNode(0)
    • English: We create two dummy nodes less_head and greater_head to act as the starting points for the two lists that will store nodes less than x and nodes greater than or equal to x, respectively.
    • Chinese: 我们创建两个虚拟节点 less_headgreater_head,分别作为存储小于 x 的节点和存储大于或等于 x 的节点的两个链表的起始点。
  2. Initialize Pointers for the Two Lists / 初始化两个链表的指针

    less = less_head
    greater = greater_head
    • English: We initialize pointers less and greater to traverse and build the two separate lists.
    • Chinese: 我们初始化指针 lessgreater 来遍历和构建两个单独的链表。
  3. Traverse the Original List / 遍历原始链表

    while head:
    • English: We traverse the original linked list using the head pointer.
    • Chinese: 我们使用 head 指针遍历原始链表。
  4. Partition the Nodes / 分区节点

    if head.val < x:
       less.next = head
       less = less.next
       greater.next = head
       greater = greater.next
    • English: If the current node’s value is less than x, we add it to the less list. Otherwise, we add it to the greater list.
    • Chinese: 如果当前节点的值小于 x,我们将其添加到 less 链表中。否则,我们将其添加到 greater 链表中。
  5. Move to the Next Node / 移动到下一个节点

    head = head.next
    • English: We move the head pointer to the next node in the original list.
    • Chinese: 我们将 head 指针移动到原始链表中的下一个节点。
  6. Connect the Two Lists / 连接两个链表

    greater.next = None
    less.next = greater_head.next
    • English: After traversing the original list, we connect the less list to the greater list and set the greater list’s next pointer to None to avoid cycles.
    • Chinese: 在遍历完原始链表后,我们将 less 链表连接到 greater 链表,并将 greater 链表的 next 指针设置为 None 以避免形成环。
  7. Return the Partitioned List / 返回分区后的链表

    return less_head.next
    • English: We return the partitioned list starting from the first node in the less list.
    • Chinese: 我们返回从 less 链表的第一个节点开始的分区后的链表。

Complexity Analysis / 复杂度分析

  • Time Complexity / 时间复杂度: O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the linked list. We traverse the entire list once.
  • Space Complexity / 空间复杂度: O(1), as we only use a constant amount of extra space for pointers.

Key Concept / 关键概念

  • Two Pointers / 双指针: This approach efficiently partitions the linked list using two pointers to create two separate lists, which are then combined to form the final result.
  • 双指针: 这种方法通过使用两个指针来创建两个单独的链表,从而高效地分区链表,最后将它们组合形成最终结果。

Summary / 总结

  • English: The two-pointer approach provides an efficient and clear way to partition a linked list while maintaining the relative order of nodes. It is a practical technique for problems involving reordering or partitioning linked lists.
  • Chinese: 双指针方法提供了一种高效且清晰的方法来分区链表,同时保持节点的相对顺序。它是处理涉及重新排序或分区链表问题的实用技术。

Tips / 提示

  • English: Practice using the two-pointer technique on various linked list problems to become familiar with its application and nuances.
  • Chinese: 在各种链表问题中练习使用双指针技术,以熟悉其应用和细微差别。

Solution Template for Similar Questions / 提示

  • English: Consider using the two-pointer approach for problems involving partitioning, reordering, or separating linked lists.
  • Chinese: 对于涉及分区、重新排序或分离链表的问题,考虑使用双指针方法。

5 More Similar Questions / 推荐5问题

  1. LeetCode 148. Sort List
  2. LeetCode 143. Reorder List
  3. LeetCode 328. Odd Even Linked List
  4. LeetCode 234. Palindrome Linked List
  5. LeetCode 141. Linked List Cycle

Recommended Resources / 推荐资源

  • English: Practice problems involving linked lists to strengthen your understanding of two-pointer techniques and other linked list operations.
  • Chinese: 练习涉及链表的问题,以加强对双指针技术和其他链表操作的理解。

Partition List - Linked List - Leetcode 86 by NeetCode


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