JavaScript 101: Understanding Why and How Asynchronous Operations Work in JavaScript

异步 (Asynchrony): Understanding Why and How Asynchronous Operations Work in JavaScript

异步:理解为什么以及如何在 JavaScript 中进行异步操作

Asynchrony is a core concept in JavaScript, allowing the language to perform tasks like network requests, file reading, and timers without blocking the main thread. Understanding why and how asynchronous operations work in JavaScript is crucial for writing efficient, non-blocking code that provides a smooth user experience. This concept is deeply tied to JavaScript’s single-threaded nature and the event loop, which together enable JavaScript to handle multiple tasks concurrently.

异步是 JavaScript 的核心概念,使得语言可以执行诸如网络请求、文件读取和定时器等任务,而不会阻塞主线程。理解为什么以及如何在 JavaScript 中进行异步操作对于编写高效的、非阻塞的代码至关重要,从而提供流畅的用户体验。这个概念与 JavaScript 的单线程特性和事件循环紧密相关,它们共同使 JavaScript 能够同时处理多个任务。

1. Why Asynchrony is Important in JavaScript

为什么异步在 JavaScript 中很重要

JavaScript’s Single-Threaded Nature

JavaScript 的单线程特性

JavaScript operates in a single-threaded environment, meaning it can only execute one task at a time. In a purely synchronous model, this would mean that long-running tasks, like fetching data from a server, would block the entire thread, making the browser unresponsive until the task is completed. This would lead to a poor user experience, with the UI freezing or becoming unresponsive during such operations.

JavaScript 在单线程环境中运行,这意味着它一次只能执行一个任务。在纯粹的同步模型中,这意味着像从服务器获取数据这样长时间运行的任务将阻塞整个线程,使得浏览器在任务完成之前无法响应。这会导致糟糕的用户体验,在此类操作期间 UI 会冻结或变得无法响应。

Asynchronous Operations to the Rescue


Asynchronous operations allow JavaScript to offload time-consuming tasks, such as I/O operations, to the browser’s Web APIs, allowing the main thread to continue executing other code. This non-blocking behavior enables the browser to remain responsive to user interactions, even while performing complex operations in the background.

异步操作允许 JavaScript 将耗时的任务(如 I/O 操作)卸载到浏览器的 Web API 中,从而使主线程能够继续执行其他代码。这种非阻塞行为使得浏览器在后台执行复杂操作的同时,仍然能够对用户交互做出响应。

2. How Asynchronous Operations Work in JavaScript

异步操作在 JavaScript 中如何工作

The Event Loop


The event loop is the mechanism that makes asynchronous operations possible in JavaScript. It allows the language to handle multiple tasks without blocking by using a combination of the call stack, Web APIs, a callback queue, and the event loop itself.

事件循环是使 JavaScript 中的异步操作成为可能的机制。它通过使用调用栈、Web API、回调队列和事件循环本身的组合,允许语言处理多个任务而不会阻塞。

How It Works


  1. Call Stack: JavaScript executes code in a single-threaded manner using the call stack. When a function is called, it is pushed onto the stack, and when the function completes, it is popped off the stack.

  2. Web APIs: Asynchronous operations, like setTimeout, fetch, or event listeners, are handled by the browser’s Web APIs. These APIs work independently of the main thread.

  3. Callback Queue: Once an asynchronous operation completes, its callback is placed in the callback queue. This queue holds tasks that are ready to be executed but are waiting for the main thread to become free.

  4. Event Loop: The event loop continuously checks the call stack. If the call stack is empty, it takes the first task from the callback queue and pushes it onto the call stack for execution.

  5. 调用栈 (Call Stack):JavaScript 通过调用栈以单线程方式执行代码。当调用函数时,它被推入栈中,当函数完成时,它被弹出栈。

  6. Web API:异步操作(如 setTimeoutfetch 或事件监听器)由浏览器的 Web API 处理。这些 API 独立于主线程工作。

  7. 回调队列 (Callback Queue):一旦异步操作完成,其回调被放入回调队列中。该队列持有准备执行但等待主线程空闲的任务。

  8. 事件循环 (Event Loop):事件循环不断检查调用栈。如果调用栈为空,它会从回调队列中取出第一个任务并将其推入调用栈执行。

Example: setTimeout



setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);



  • console.log("Start") is executed immediately, followed by setTimeout.
  • setTimeout is an asynchronous function that sets a timer for 2 seconds. The callback function is passed to the Web API, and console.log("End") is executed immediately after.
  • After 2 seconds, the callback is placed in the callback queue. When the call stack is empty, the event loop pushes the callback onto the call stack, and console.log("Timeout") is finally executed.


  • console.log("Start") 立即执行,紧接着是 setTimeout
  • setTimeout 是一个异步函数,它设置一个 2 秒的计时器。回调函数被传递到 Web API 中,而 console.log("End") 立即执行。
  • 2 秒后,回调被放入回调队列。当调用栈为空时,事件循环将回调推入调用栈,并最终执行 console.log("Timeout")

Example: fetch



    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data));



  • console.log("Start") is executed first, followed by the fetch request.
  • The fetch request is asynchronous, so it is handled by the Web API. Meanwhile, console.log("End") is executed.
  • When the data is received, the fetch promise is resolved, and the then callbacks are placed in the callback queue.
  • The event loop processes these callbacks when the call stack is empty, allowing the then chain to execute.


  • console.log("Start") 首先执行,然后是 fetch 请求。
  • fetch 请求是异步的,因此由 Web API 处理。同时,console.log("End") 被执行。
  • 当数据接收后,fetch 的 promise 被解析,then 回调被放入回调队列中。
  • 事件循环在调用栈为空时处理这些回调,允许 then 链执行。

3. Types of Asynchronous Operations in JavaScript

JavaScript 中的异步操作类型

1. Timers


JavaScript provides functions like setTimeout and setInterval to perform tasks after a delay or repeatedly at specified intervals. These functions are non-blocking, allowing other code to run while waiting for the timer to complete.

JavaScript 提供了 setTimeoutsetInterval 等函数,以便在延迟后或以指定的间隔重复执行任务。这些函数是非阻塞的,允许其他代码在等待计时器完成时运行。

2. Promises and async/await

Promise 和 async/await

Promises represent the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. The async/await syntax provides a way to write asynchronous code in a synchronous style, making it easier to read and maintain.

Promise 表示异步操作的最终完成(或失败)及其结果值。async/await 语法提供了一种以同步方式编写异步代码的方法,使其更易于阅读和维护。

async function fetchData() {
    try {
        const response = await fetch('');
        const data = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching data:', error);



  • async/await allows you to write asynchronous code that reads like synchronous code.
  • The await keyword pauses the execution of the function until the promise is resolved, making the code easier to understand.


  • async/await 允许你编写看起来像同步代码的异步代码。
  • await 关键字暂停函数的执行,直到 promise 被解析,使得代码更易于理解。

3. Event Listeners


Event listeners allow JavaScript to respond to user interactions, such as clicks, keypresses, or mouse movements. These events are handled asynchronously, ensuring that the

browser remains responsive even while processing user inputs.

事件监听器允许 JavaScript 响应用户交互,如点击、按键或鼠标移动。这些事件是异步处理的,确保浏览器在处理用户输入时仍然保持响应。

document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
    console.log('Button clicked');


  • The event listener waits for the user to click the button. When the event occurs, the callback is executed asynchronously, allowing other code to run in the meantime.


  • 事件监听器等待用户点击按钮。当事件发生时,回调异步执行,同时允许其他代码运行。

4. Conclusion


Asynchrony in JavaScript is a powerful feature that allows the language to perform time-consuming tasks without blocking the main thread, ensuring that web applications remain responsive and efficient. By understanding how the event loop and asynchronous operations work, developers can write code that handles multiple tasks concurrently, improving performance and user experience. Mastering asynchronous programming is essential for building modern, interactive web applications.

JavaScript 中的异步性是一项强大功能,使语言能够执行耗时的任务而不阻塞主线程,确保 Web 应用程序保持响应和高效。通过理解事件循环和异步操作的工作原理,开发人员可以编写同时处理多个任务的代码,从而提高性能和用户体验。掌握异步编程对于构建现代化的交互式 Web 应用程序至关重要。


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