This problem involves adding two numbers represented by two linked lists. Each linked list stores a non-negative integer where the digits are stored in reverse order, meaning that the least significant digit comes first. Each node in the linked list contains a single digit, and the task is to add the two numbers and return the sum as a new linked list, which should also represent the number in reverse order.
1. Problem Description
Given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers, add the two numbers and return the sum as a linked list. The digits are stored in reverse order, and each of their nodes contains a single digit. You may assume the two numbers do not contain any leading zeros, except for the number 0 itself.
给定两个非空链表,表示两个非负整数,将这两个数字相加并以链表形式返回和。数字按逆序存储,每个节点包含一个数字。你可以假设这两个数除了数字 0 之外,不会以 0 开头。
Input: l1 = [2,4,3], l2 = [5,6,4]
Output: [7,0,8]
Explanation: 342 + 465 = 807, and the linked list representation is in reverse order.
输入: l1 = [2,4,3], l2 = [5,6,4]
输出: [7,0,8]
解释: 342 + 465 = 807,链表表示为逆序。
The number of nodes in each linked list is in the range
[1, 100]
. -
Each node contains a single digit,
0 <= Node.val <= 9
. -
The numbers represented by the linked lists do not contain leading zeros except the number 0 itself.
[1, 100]
范围内。 -
0 <= Node.val <= 9
。 -
链表表示的数字不包含前导零,除了数字 0 本身。
2. Algorithm Analysis
The problem can be solved by simulating the process of adding two numbers digit by digit, just as we do with pen and paper. We start from the least significant digit (the head of the linked list) and move towards the most significant digit, taking care to handle any carry from one digit to the next.
Core Idea
Initialize a dummy node to act as the starting point for the result linked list.
Use a pointer to keep track of the current position in the result list.
Use a
variable to keep track of any carry-over from the previous digit addition. -
Traverse both linked lists simultaneously:
- If a list is shorter, consider missing nodes as
. - Add the corresponding digits from both lists along with the carry.
- Update the carry for the next iteration.
- Create a new node with the result digit and link it to the result list.
- If a list is shorter, consider missing nodes as
If there is a carry left after the final addition, create an additional node.
Return the result linked list, which starts from the node following the dummy node.
变量来跟踪前一位相加的进位。 -
- 如果一个链表较短,缺少的节点视为
。 - 将两个链表中的对应数字加上进位。
- 更新下一次迭代的进位。
- 创建一个包含结果数字的新节点,并将其链接到结果链表中。
- 如果一个链表较短,缺少的节点视为
Code Implementation
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
self.val = val
self.next = next
def addTwoNumbers(l1, l2):
dummy = ListNode() # Initialize the dummy node
current = dummy # Pointer to construct the new list
carry = 0 # Initialize carry to 0
while l1 or l2 or carry:
val1 = l1.val if l1 else 0 # Value from l1 or 0 if l1 is None
val2 = l2.val if l2 else 0 # Value from l2 or 0 if l2 is None
# Calculate the sum of the two digits and the carry
total = val1 + val2 + carry
carry = total // 10 # Update carry
new_val = total % 10 # Get the digit to store
# Create a new node with the sum and move the pointer
current.next = ListNode(new_val)
current = current.next
# Move to the next nodes in l1 and l2 if they exist
if l1:
l1 = l1.next
if l2:
l2 = l2.next
# Return the next node after dummy (start of the actual list)
return dummy.next
Detailed Explanation
Initialization: A dummy node is created to simplify list operations. The
pointer is used to build the result list by adding nodes corresponding to the sum of digits froml1
. -
数字之和的节点来构建结果链表。 -
Addition Process: The while loop continues as long as there are nodes in
or a carry value. In each iteration, we sum the corresponding digits and the carry, update the carry, and store the result digit in the new linked list node. -
中有节点或有进位值,while 循环就会继续。在每次迭代中,我们将对应的数字和进位相加,更新进位,并将结果数字存储在新的链表节点中。 -
Handling Remaining Nodes and Carry: After processing all nodes, if there is a remaining carry, it is added as a new node at the end of the result list.
Return Statement: Finally, the result linked list is returned, starting from the node next to the dummy node.
Time Complexity Analysis
The time complexity of this algorithm is O(max(n, m)), where n
and m
are the lengths of l1
and l2
, respectively. This is because we process each node from both lists exactly once.
该算法的时间复杂度为 O(max(n, m)),其中 n
和 m
分别是 l1
和 l2
3. Conclusion
Adding two numbers represented by linked lists involves careful digit-by-digit addition, taking into account the carry from each operation. The iterative approach is straightforward and ensures that all digits are processed correctly, resulting in a new linked list that represents the sum of the two numbers in reverse order. This method is efficient and easy to implement, making it a reliable solution for this common problem.
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