Python 101: Understanding the `self` Keyword in Python: A Different Perspective


The self keyword in Python is a cornerstone of object-oriented programming, used to refer to the instance of the class itself. By mastering self, you can create classes that encapsulate data and behaviors in a more organized and efficient manner. Let’s explore self with different examples, tips, comparisons, and warnings.

什么是 self 关键字?

self 关键字在 Python 中是面向对象编程的基石,用于引用类的实例本身。通过掌握 self,你可以创建封装数据和行为的类,使代码更加组织化和高效化。让我们通过不同的示例、提示、对比和警告来探讨 self

5W Explanation of self

1. What is self?

  • English: self is a reference to the current instance of the class. It allows access to the instance’s attributes and methods within class methods.
  • 中文: self 是对类当前实例的引用。它允许在类方法中访问实例的属性和方法。

2. Why do we use self?

  • English: self is used to ensure that each instance of a class can have its own data and behavior. It helps in accessing and modifying instance-specific data within methods.
  • 中文: 我们使用 self 是为了确保每个类的实例都有自己的数据和行为。它有助于在方法中访问和修改实例特定的数据。

3. When should you use self?

  • English: Use self whenever you need to refer to instance variables or methods within a class method.
  • 中文: 当你需要在类方法中引用实例变量或方法时,应使用 self

4. Where is self used?

  • English: self is used in the first parameter of any method in a class, allowing access to the instance’s data and methods.
  • 中文: self 用于类中任何方法的第一个参数,允许访问实例的数据和方法。

5. Who needs to understand self?

  • English: Anyone learning Python and object-oriented programming needs to understand self, as it’s integral to how Python classes function.
  • 中文: 任何学习 Python 和面向对象编程的人都需要理解 self,因为它是 Python 类运作方式的关键。

Code Example 1: A Simple Bank Account Class

Let’s start with a basic example of a BankAccount class to understand self.

class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self, account_holder: str, balance: float = 0.0) -> None:
        self.account_holder = account_holder
        self.balance = balance

    def deposit(self, amount: float) -> None:
        self.balance += amount
        print(f"{self.account_holder} deposited ${amount}. New balance: ${self.balance}")

    def withdraw(self, amount: float) -> None:
        if amount > self.balance:
            print(f"Insufficient funds for {self.account_holder}.")
            self.balance -= amount
            print(f"{self.account_holder} withdrew ${amount}. New balance: ${self.balance}")

# Creating instances
john_account = BankAccount("John Doe", 100)
jane_account = BankAccount("Jane Doe")

# Using the methods

Code Example 2: A Simple Library System

Consider a library system where each book has a title, an author, and an availability status. The self keyword helps track the status of each book individually.

class Book:
    def __init__(self, title: str, author: str) -> None:
        self.title = title = author
        self.is_checked_out = False

    def check_out(self) -> None:
        if not self.is_checked_out:
            self.is_checked_out = True
            print(f"{self.title} by {} has been checked out.")
            print(f"{self.title} by {} is already checked out.")

    def return_book(self) -> None:
        if self.is_checked_out:
            self.is_checked_out = False
            print(f"{self.title} by {} has been returned.")
            print(f"{self.title} by {} was not checked out.")

# Creating instances
book1 = Book("1984", "George Orwell")
book2 = Book("To Kill a Mockingbird", "Harper Lee")

# Using the methods


  • Tip 1: Use self consistently within class methods to avoid confusion and errors. Inconsistent use can lead to hard-to-debug issues.
  • Tip 2: When designing classes, think about what data should belong to each instance (use self) versus what data should be shared among all instances (use class variables).
  • Tip 3: When a method doesn’t need to access any instance-specific data, consider making it a @staticmethod or @classmethod.


  • Warning 1: Forgetting to use self can result in variables being shared across instances unintentionally, leading to unexpected behavior.
  • Warning 2: Overusing self can make your methods less efficient if not necessary, especially if you’re not modifying or accessing instance-specific data.
  • Warning 3: Avoid naming the first parameter something other than self unless absolutely necessary, as it can confuse others reading your code.

Comparison with Other Object-Oriented Languages

  • Python vs. Java: In Python, self is explicitly passed to instance methods, whereas in Java, this is implicitly passed. Python’s approach makes it clear when you are working with instance variables or methods.
  • Python vs. C++: Similar to Java, C++ uses this implicitly, but Python requires explicit usage of self, providing clarity at the cost of slightly more verbosity.
  • Python vs. JavaScript: JavaScript uses this, which can behave differently depending on the context, making Python’s self more predictable in many cases.

Improvements and Best Practices

  • Improvement 1: Use descriptive names for class attributes and methods to make the purpose of self more apparent and improve code readability.
  • Improvement 2: When methods don’t modify the instance state, prefer @staticmethod or @classmethod to avoid unnecessary self usage.
  • Improvement 3: Document your classes and methods clearly, explaining the role of self where it’s critical, especially in more complex classes.


Understanding self is crucial to mastering Python’s object-oriented programming. It binds data and behavior to the specific instance, ensuring each object maintains its unique state. By following best practices, using self effectively, and being mindful of when to avoid it, you can write cleaner, more efficient Python code.


理解 self 是掌握 Python 面向对象编程的关键。它将数据和行为绑定到特定实例,确保每个对象保持其独特的状态。通过遵循最佳实践、有效地使用 self 以及在必要时避免使用它,你可以编写更清晰、更高效的 Python 代码。


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